Łukasz Rauch
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Cited by
Multiscale modelling of microstructure evolution during laminar cooling of hot rolled DP steels
M Pietrzyk, Ł Madej, Ł Rauch, R Goł±b
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 10 (4), 57-67, 2010
On application of shape coefficients to creation of the statistically similar representative element of DP steels
M Pernach, K Bzowski, M Pietrzyk
Computer Methods in Materials Science 11 (4), 531-541, 2011
Modelling and optimization of the manufacturing chain for rails
A Milenin, M Pernach, Ł Rauch, R Kuziak, T Zygmunt, M Pietrzyk
Procedia engineering 207, 2101-2106, 2017
К вопросу выбора математической функции уравнения состояния для описания реологических свойств стали 20 в процессе горячей пластической деформации
АС Ишимов, МП Барышников, МВ Чукин
Вестник Магнитогорского государственного технического университета им. ГИ …, 2015
Selection of the best phase transformation model for optimization of manufacturing processes of pearlitic steel rails
R Kuziak, V Pidvysots’ kyy, M Pernach, L Rauch, T Zygmunt, M Pietrzyk
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 19, 535-546, 2019
Modeling of the oxidizing roasting process of zinc sulphide concentrates using the artificial neural networks
J Kusiak, P Jarosz, S Małecki
Computer Methods in Materials Science 11 (1), 122-127, 2011
Development of the material database for the VirtRoll computer system dedicated to design of an optimal hot strip rolling technology
K Bzowski, J Kitowski, R Kuziak, P Uranga, I Gutierrez, R Jacolot, Ł Rauch, ...
Computer Methods in Materials Science 17 (4), 225-246, 2017
On mathematical aspects of evolution of dislocation density in metallic materials
N Czyżewska, J Kusiak, P Morkisz, P Oprocha, M Pietrzyk, P Przybyłowicz, ...
IEEE Access 10, 86793-86812, 2022
Use of artificial intelligence in classification of mill scale defects
S Lechwar, Ł Rauch, M Pietrzyk
steel research international 86 (3), 266-277, 2015
Filtering of thermomagnetic data curve using artificial neural network and wavelet analysis
Ł Rauch, J Talar, T ®ák, J Kusiak
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, 1093 …, 2004
Computer-integrated platform for automatic, flexible, and optimal multivariable design of a hot strip rolling technology using advanced multiphase steels
Ł Rauch, K Bzowski, R Kuziak, P Uranga, I Gutierrez, N Isasti, R Jacolot, ...
Metals 9 (7), 737, 2019
Prediction of distribution of microstructural parameters inmetallic materials described by differential equations with recrystallization term
P Morkisz, P Oprocha, P Przybyłowicz, N Czyzewska, J Kusiak, D Szeliga, ...
International Journal for Multiscale Computational Engineering 17 (3), 2019
Problem of identification of phase transformation models used in simulations of steels processing
Ł Rauch, D Bachniak, R Kuziak, J Kusiak, M Pietrzyk
Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 27, 5725-5735, 2018
Modelling of the die wear in the hot forging process using the Archard model
M Wilkus, S Polak, Z Gronostajski, M Kaszuba, Ł Rauch, M Pietrzyk
Computer Methods in Materials Science 15 (2), 311--321, 2015
Implementation of cellular automata framework dedicated to digital material representation
P Spytkowski, T Klimek
Computer Methods in Materials Science 9 (2), 283-288, 2009
Optimization of the heat treatment process to obtain the required distribution of mechanical properties in the rail head of pearlitic rails
R Kuziak, V Pidvysotsk’yy, K Radwański, A Mazur, T Zygmunt, M Pietrzyk, ...
Journal of Metallic Materials 71 (1), 2019
A simple model for prediction of retained austenite in steel rods after hot rolling and controlled cooling
M Pietrzyk, Z Kania, R Kuziak, Ł Rauch, J Kusiak
Proceedings of XXXV Verformungskundliches Kolloquium, 56-66, 2016
Data filtering using dynamic particles method
J Kusiak
Computer Assisted Mechanics and Engineering Sciences 14 (2), 353-360, 2007
Edge Detection and Filtering Approach Dedicated to Microstructure Images Analysis
Ł Rauch, J Kusiak
Computer Methods in Materials Science 7, 305-310, 2007
Physical and numerical simulations of closed die hot forging and heat treatment of forged parts
Ł Poloczek, Ł Rauch, M Wilkus, D Bachniak, W Zalecki, V Pidvysotsk’yy, ...
Materials 14 (1), 15, 2020
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