Grzegorz Różyński
Grzegorz Różyński
Institute of Hydro-engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences
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Analysis and modeling of field data on coastal morphological evolution over yearly and decadal time scales. Part 1: Background and linear techniques
M Larson, M Capobianco, H Jansen, G Rózyński, HN Southgate, M Stive, ...
Journal of Coastal Research, 760-775, 2003
Statistical analysis of coastal morphological data sets over seasonal to decadal time scales
A Kroon, M Larson, I Möller, H Yokoki, G Rozynski, J Cox, P Larroude
Coastal Engineering 55 (7-8), 581-600, 2008
Data-driven modeling of multiple longshore bars and their interactions
G Różyński
Coastal Engineering 48 (3), 151-170, 2003
Forced and self-organized shoreline response for a beach in the southern Baltic Sea determined through singular spectrum analysis
G Różyński, M Larson, Z Pruszak
Coastal Engineering 43 (1), 41-58, 2001
An integrated Pan-European perspective on coastal Lagoons management through a mosaic-DPSIR approach
M Dolbeth, P Stålnacke, FL Alves, LP Sousa, GD Gooch, V Khokhlov, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 19400, 2016
Statistical properties of multiple bars
Z Pruszak, G Różyński, RB Zeidler
Coastal Engineering 31 (1-4), 263-280, 1997
Long-term shoreline response of a nontidal, barred coast
G Różyński
Coastal Engineering 52 (1), 79-91, 2005
Spatial averages for linear elements for two-parameter random field
W Knabe, JW Przewłócki, G Róźyński
Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics 13 (3), 147-167, 1998
Data-driven and hybrid coastal morphological prediction methods for mesoscale forecasting
DE Reeve, H Karunarathna, S Pan, JM Horrillo-Caraballo, G Różyński, ...
Geomorphology 256, 49-67, 2016
Embracing nature-based solutions to promote resilient marine and coastal ecosystems
BC O'Leary, C Fonseca, CC Cornet, MB de Vries, AK Degia, P Failler, ...
Nature-Based Solutions 3, 100044, 2023
Selected problems of sediment transport and morphodynamics of a multi-bar nearshore zone
LM Kaczmarek, R Ostrowski, Z Pruszak, G Rozynski
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (3), 415-425, 2005
Assessment of marine ecosystem services indicators: experiences and lessons learned from 14 European case studies
AI Lillebø, F Somma, K Norén, J Gonçalves, MF Alves, E Ballarini, ...
Integrated environmental assessment and management 12 (4), 726-734, 2016
The use of stability methods in understanding the morphodynamical behavior of coastal systems
N Dodd, P Blondeaux, D Calvete, HE De Swart, A Falques, S Hulscher, ...
J. Coastal Res 19 (4), 849-865, 2003
Climate change related rise of extreme typhoon power and duration over South-East Asia seas
G Różyński, NM Hung, R OSTROWSKI
Coastal Engineering Journal 51 (03), 205-222, 2009
Basis for a valuation of the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone of the Baltic Sea: Rationale and quest for tools.
JM Węsławski, E Andrulewicz, L Kotwicki, E Kuzebski, A Lewandowski, ...
Oceanologia 48, 145-167, 2006
Quasi-seasonal morphological shore evolution response to variable wave climate
Z Pruszak, G Różyński, M Szmytkiewicz, M Skaja
Coastal Sediments, 1081-1093, 1999
Management conflicts in the Vistula Lagoon area
M Bielecka, G Różyński
Ocean & coastal management 101, 24-34, 2014
Depth of closure and seabed variability patterns
G Różyński, Z Pruszak, T Okroj, R Zeidler
Coastal Engineering 1998, 2926-2939, 1999
Long-term evolution of Baltic Sea wave climate near a coastal segment in Poland; its drivers and impacts
G Różyński
Ocean Engineering 37 (2-3), 186-199, 2010
Modeling nearshore bed topography with principal oscillation patterns
G Różyński, H Jansen
Journal of waterway, port, coastal, and ocean engineering 128 (5), 202-215, 2002
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Articles 1–20