Karen van de wolfshaar
Karen van de wolfshaar
Researcher at Wageningen IMARES
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Cited by
Food-dependent growth leads to overcompensation in stage-specific biomass when mortality increases: the influence of maturation versus reproduction regulation
AM De Roos, T Schellekens, T Van Kooten, K Van De Wolfshaar, ...
The American Naturalist 170 (3), E59-E76, 2007
Simplifying a physiologically structured population model to a stage-structured biomass model
AM De Roos, T Schellekens, T Van Kooten, K Van De Wolfshaar, ...
Theoretical population biology 73 (1), 47-62, 2008
Towards ecosystem-based management: identifying operational food-web indicators for marine ecosystems
JC Tam, JS Link, AG Rossberg, SI Rogers, PS Levin, MJ Rochet, A Bundy, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 74 (7), 2040-2052, 2017
Coupled human and natural system dynamics as key to the sustainability of Lake Victoria’s ecosystem services
AS Downing, EH Van Nes, JS Balirwa, J Beuving, POJ Bwathondi, ...
Ecology and Society 19 (4), 2014
Projecting changes in the distribution and productivity of living marine resources: a critical review of the suite of modelling approaches used in the large European project …
MA Peck, C Arvanitidis, M Butenschön, DM Canu, E Chatzinikolaou, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 201, 40-55, 2018
Predation control of zooplankton dynamics: a review of observations and models
U Daewel, SS Hjøllo, M Huret, R Ji, M Maar, S Niiranen, M Travers-Trolet, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 71 (2), 254-271, 2014
Size-dependent interactions inhibit coexistence in intraguild predation systems with life-history omnivory
KE Van de Wolfshaar, AM De Roos, L Persson
The American Naturalist 168 (1), 62-75, 2006
Chytridiomycosis in New Zealand frogs.
B Waldman, KE Wolfshaar, JD Klena, V Andjic, PJ Bishop, RJB Norman
Conflicts in the coastal zone: human impacts on commercially important fish species utilizing coastal habitat
EJ Brown, RP Vasconcelos, H Wennhage, U Bergström, JG Støttrup, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 75 (4), 1203-1213, 2018
Disclosing the truth: are models better than observations?
MD Skogen, R Ji, A Akimova, U Daewel, C Hansen, SS Hjøllo, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 680, 7-13, 2021
Post‐Damming Flow Regime Development in a Large Lowland River (Volga, Russian Federation): Implications for Floodplain Inundation and Fisheries
K Górski, LV Bosch, KE Wolfshaar, H Middelkoop, LAJ Nagelkerke, ...
River Research and Applications, 2011
Time lags in metapopulation responses to landscape change
CJ Nagelkerke, J Verboom, F Van Den BOSCH, K van de Wolfshaar
Applying landscape ecology in biological conservation, 330-354, 2002
Linking flow regime, floodplain lake connectivity and fish catch in a large river-floodplain system, the Volga–Akhtuba floodplain (Russian Federation)
KE Van de Wolfshaar, H Middelkoop, E Addink, HV Winter, ...
Ecosystems 14, 920-934, 2011
Population feedback after successful invasion leads to ecological suicide in seasonal environments
KE Van de Wolfshaar, AM De Roos, L Persson
Ecology 89 (1), 259-268, 2008
Effect of habitat productivity and exploitation on populations with complex life cycles
KE Van de Wolfshaar, R HilleRisLambers, A Gårdmark
Marine Ecology Progress Series 438, 175-184, 2011
Combining a conceptual framework and a spatial analysis tool, HABITAT, to support the implementation of river basin management plans
M Haasnoot, KE Van de Wolfshaar
International journal of river basin management 7 (4), 295-311, 2009
From spawning to first-year recruitment: the fate of juvenile sole growth and survival under future climate conditions in the North Sea
KE Van De Wolfshaar, L Barbut, G Lacroix
ICES Journal of Marine Science 79 (2), 495-505, 2022
Modeling quantitative value of habitats for marine and estuarine populations
RN Lipcius, DB Eggleston, FJ Fodrie, J Van Der Meer, KA Rose, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 6, 280, 2019
The use and performance of survey-based pre-recruit abundance indices for possible inclusion in stock assessments of coastal-dependent species
O Le Pape, Y Vermard, J Guitton, EJ Brown, KE Van De Wolfshaar, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (5), 1953-1965, 2020
Food web feedbacks drive the response of benthic macrofauna to bottom trawling
KE van de Wolfshaar, PD van Denderen, T Schellekens, T van Kooten
Fish and Fisheries 21 (5), 962-972, 2020
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Articles 1–20