Lata Narayanan
Lata Narayanan
Professor of Computer Science, Concordia University
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Citované v
Citované v
Robust position-based routing in wireless ad hoc networks with unstable transmission ranges
L Barriere, P Fraigniaud, L Narayanan
Proceedings of the 5th international workshop on Discrete algorithms and …, 2001
Static frequency assignment in cellular networks
L Narayanan, SM Shende
Algorithmica 29, 396-409, 2001
On routing with guaranteed delivery in three-dimensional ad hoc wireless networks
S Durocher, D Kirkpatrick, L Narayanan
International Conference on Distributed Computing and Networking, 546-557, 2008
Channel assignment and graph multicoloring
L Narayanan
Handbook of wireless networks and mobile computing, 71-94, 2002
Distributed online frequency assignment in cellular networks
J Janssen, D Krizanc, L Narayanan, S Shende
Journal of Algorithms 36 (2), 119-151, 2000
On minimizing the sum of sensor movements for barrier coverage of a line segment
J Czyzowicz, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, I Lambadaris, L Narayanan, ...
Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks: 9th International Conference, ADHOC …, 2010
On minimizing the maximum sensor movement for barrier coverage of a line segment
J Czyzowicz, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, I Lambadaris, L Narayanan, ...
Ad-Hoc, Mobile and Wireless Networks: 8th International Conference, ADHOC …, 2009
Complexity of barrier coverage with relocatable sensors in the plane
S Dobrev, S Durocher, M Eftekhari, K Georgiou, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, ...
Theoretical Computer Science 579, 64-73, 2015
Search on a line with faulty robots
J Czyzowicz, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, L Narayanan, J Opatrny
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing …, 2016
Evacuating robots from a disk using face-to-face communication
J Czyzowicz, K Georgiou, E Kranakis, L Narayanan, J Opatrny, ...
Discrete Mathematics & Theoretical Computer Science 22 (Distributed …, 2020
Randomized sorting and selection on mesh-connected processor arrays (preliminary version)
C Kaklamanis, D Krizanc, L Narayanan, T Tsantilas
Proceedings of the third annual ACM symposium on Parallel algorithms and …, 1991
Wireless autonomous robot evacuation from equilateral triangles and squares
J Czyzowicz, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, L Narayanan, J Opatrny, S Shende
International Conference on Ad-Hoc Networks and Wireless, 181-194, 2015
Minimizing the number of sensors moved on line barriers
M Mehrandish, L Narayanan, J Opatrny
2011 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 653-658, 2011
Search on a line by byzantine robots
J Czyzowicz, K Georgiou, E Kranakis, D Krizanc, L Narayanan, J Opatrny, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:1611.08209, 2016
Compact routing on chordal rings of degree 4
L Narayanan, J Opatrny
Algorithmica 23 (1), 72-96, 1999
MINTED: Multicast VIrtual NeTwork Embedding in Cloud Data Centers With Delay Constraints
S Ayoubi, C Assi, K Shaban, L Narayanan
IEEE Transactions on Communications 63 (4), 1291-1305, 2015
All-to-all optical routing in chordal rings of degree four
L Narayanan, J Opatrny, D Sotteau
Proceedings of the Symposium on Discrete Algorithms 695, 703, 1999
All-to-all optical routing in chordal rings of degree 4
L Narayanan, J Opatrny, D Sotteau
Algorithmica 31, 155-178, 2001
Expected sum and maximum of displacement of random sensors for coverage of a domain
E Kranakis, D Krizanc, O Morales-Ponce, L Narayanan, J Opatrny, ...
Proceedings of the twenty-fifth annual ACM symposium on Parallelism in …, 2013
Dynamic construction of bluetooth scatternets of fixed degree and low diameter
L Barriere, P Fraigniaud, L Narayanan, J Opatrny
Proceedings of the fourteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on discrete …, 2003
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