Ana Lopez-Antia
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Experimental exposure of red-legged partridges (Alectoris rufa) to seeds coated with imidacloprid, thiram and difenoconazole
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, F Mougeot, R Mateo
Ecotoxicology 22, 125-138, 2013
Imidacloprid-treated seed ingestion has lethal effect on adult partridges and reduces both breeding investment and offspring immunity
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, F Mougeot, R Mateo
Environmental research 136, 97-107, 2015
Risk assessment of pesticide seed treatment for farmland birds using refined field data
A Lopez‐Antia, J Feliu, PR Camarero, ME Ortiz‐Santaliestra, R Mateo
Journal of Applied Ecology 53 (5), 1373-1381, 2016
Reducing Pb poisoning in birds and Pb exposure in game meat consumers: the dual benefit of effective Pb shot regulation
R Mateo, N Vallverdú-Coll, A López-Antia, MA Taggart, M Martínez-Haro, ...
Environment International 63, 163-168, 2014
Assessing the risk of fipronil-treated seed ingestion and associated adverse effects in the red-legged partridge
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, PR Camarero, F Mougeot, R Mateo
Environmental Science & Technology 49 (22), 13649-13657, 2015
Experimental approaches to test pesticide-treated seed avoidance by birds under a simulated diversification of food sources
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, R Mateo
Science of the Total Environment 496, 179-187, 2014
Altered immune response in mallard ducklings exposed to lead through maternal transfer in the wild
N Vallverdú-Coll, A López-Antia, M Martinez-Haro, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, ...
Environmental Pollution 205, 350-356, 2015
Adverse effects of thiram‐treated seed ingestion on the reproductive performance and the offspring immune function of the red‐legged partridge
A Lopez‐Antia, ME Ortiz‐Santaliestra, EG Blas, PR Camarero, F Mougeot, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 34 (6), 1320-1329, 2015
Limited reproductive impairment in a passerine bird species exposed along a perfluoroalkyl acid (PFAA) pollution gradient
T Groffen, R Lasters, A Lopez-Antia, E Prinsen, L Bervoets, M Eens
Science of the total environment 652, 718-728, 2019
Perfluoroalkylated acids in the eggs of great tits (Parus major) near a fluorochemical plant in Flanders, Belgium
T Groffen, A Lopez-Antia, W D'Hollander, E Prinsen, M Eens, L Bervoets
Environmental Pollution 228, 140-148, 2017
High levels of PFOS in eggs of three bird species in the neighbourhood of a fluoro-chemical plant
A Lopez-Antia, T Dauwe, J Meyer, K Maes, L Bervoets, M Eens
Ecotoxicology and environmental safety 139, 165-171, 2017
Birds feeding on tebuconazole treated seeds have reduced breeding output
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, F Mougeot, PR Camarero, R Mateo
Environmental Pollution 271, 116292, 2021
Brood size is reduced by half in birds feeding on flutriafol-treated seeds below the recommended application rate
A Lopez-Antia, ME Ortiz-Santaliestra, F Mougeot, PR Camarero, R Mateo
Environmental Pollution 243, 418-426, 2018
Lead exposure reduces carotenoid‐based coloration and constitutive immunity in wild mallards
N Vallverdú‐Coll, F Mougeot, ME Ortiz‐Santaliestra, J Rodriguez‐Estival, ...
Environmental toxicology and chemistry 35 (6), 1516-1525, 2016
Perfluoroalkyl acids (PFAAs) concentrations and oxidative status in two generations of great tits inhabiting a contamination hotspot
A Lopez-Antia, T Groffen, R Lasters, H AbdElgawad, J Sun, H Asard, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (3), 1617-1626, 2019
Variation in PFAA concentrations and egg parameters throughout the egg-laying sequence in a free-living songbird (the great tit, Parus major): Implications for biomonitoring …
R Lasters, T Groffen, A Lopez-Antia, L Bervoets, M Eens
Environmental pollution 246, 237-248, 2019
Risk assessment of lead poisoning and pesticide exposure in the declining population of red-breasted goose (Branta ruficollis) wintering in Eastern Europe
R Mateo, N Petkov, A Lopez-Antia, J Rodríguez-Estival, AJ Green
Environmental Research 151, 359-367, 2016
A Colibacillosis Outbreak in Farmed Red-Legged Partridges (Alectoris rufa)
S Díaz-Sánchez, A López, V Gamino, S Sánchez, C Ewers, U Höfle
Avian diseases 57 (1), 143-146, 2013
Understanding PFAAs exposure in a generalist seabird species breeding in the vicinity of a fluorochemical plant: influence of maternal transfer and diet
A Lopez-Antia, MM Kavelaars, W Müller, L Bervoets, M Eens
Environmental Pollution 271, 116355, 2021
Target and untargeted screening of perfluoroalkyl substances in biota using liquid chromatography coupled to quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry
B Oró-Nolla, M Dulsat-Masvidal, A Bertolero, A Lopez-Antia, S Lacorte
Journal of Chromatography A 1701, 464066, 2023
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