Richard Bruskiewich
Richard Bruskiewich
CEO, Delphinai Corporation
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The DNA sequence of human chromosome 22
I Dunham, AR Hunt, JE Collins, R Bruskiewich, DM Beare, M Clamp, ...
Nature 402 (6761), 489-495, 1999
Genomewide SNP variation reveals relationships among landraces and modern varieties of rice
KL McNally, KL Childs, R Bohnert, RM Davidson, K Zhao, VJ Ulat, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (30), 12273-12278, 2009
Chemical-and irradiation-induced mutants of indica rice IR64 for forward and reverse genetics
JL Wu, C Wu, C Lei, M Baraoidan, A Bordeos, MRS Madamba, ...
Plant molecular biology 59, 85-97, 2005
Evaluating methods for isolating total RNA and predicting the success of sequencing phylogenetically diverse plant transcriptomes
MTJ Johnson, EJ Carpenter, Z Tian, R Bruskiewich, JN Burris, ...
PloS one 7 (11), e50226, 2012
An SNP map of human chromosome 22
JC Mullikin, SE Hunt, CG Cole, BJ Mortimore, CM Rice, J Burton, ...
Nature 407 (6803), 516-520, 2000
Improvement of drought resistance in rice
R Serraj, A Kumar, KL McNally, I Slamet-Loedin, R Bruskiewich, ...
Advances in agronomy 103, 41-99, 2009
Transcriptional regulatory network triggered by oxidative signals configures the early response mechanisms of japonica rice to chilling stress
KY Yun, MR Park, B Mohanty, V Herath, F Xu, R Mauleon, E Wijaya, ...
BMC plant biology 10, 1-29, 2010
Curated genome annotation of Oryza sativa ssp. japonica and comparative genome analysis with Arabidopsis thaliana
T Itoh, T Tanaka, RA Barrero, C Yamasaki, Y Fujii, PB Hilton, BA Antonio, ...
Genome research 17 (2), 175-183, 2007
Sequencing multiple and diverse rice varieties. Connecting whole-genome variation with phenotypes
KL McNally, R Bruskiewich, D Mackill, CR Buell, JE Leach, H Leung
Plant Physiology 141 (1), 26-31, 2006
The International Rice Information System. A platform for meta-analysis of rice crop data
CG McLaren, RM Bruskiewich, AM Portugal, AB Cosico
Plant Physiology 139 (2), 637-642, 2005
A SNP resource for human chromosome 22: extracting dense clusters of SNPs from the genomic sequence
E Dawson, Y Chen, S Hunt, LJ Smink, A Hunt, K Rice, S Livingston, ...
Genome research 11 (1), 170-178, 2001
Tissue-specific expression and drought responsiveness of cell-wall invertase genes of rice at flowering
XM Ji, M Raveendran, R Oane, A Ismail, R Lafitte, R Bruskiewich, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 59, 945-964, 2005
Characterization of statistical features for plant microRNA prediction
V Thakur, S Wanchana, M Xu, R Bruskiewich, WP Quick, A Mosig, XG Zhu
BMC genomics 12, 1-12, 2011
Physiological and proteomic responses of rice peduncles to drought stress
R Muthurajan, ZS Shobbar, SVK Jagadish, R Bruskiewich, A Ismail, ...
Molecular biotechnology 48, 173-182, 2011
Multifunctional crop trait ontology for breeders' data: field book, annotation, data discovery and semantic enrichment of the literature
R Shrestha, E Arnaud, R Mauleon, M Senger, GF Davenport, D Hancock, ...
AoB plants 2010, plq008, 2010
Gene expression microarrays and their application in drought stress research
A Kathiresan, HR Lafitte, J Chen, L Mansueto, R Bruskiewich, J Bennett
Field Crops Research 97 (1), 101-110, 2006
Transposable element annotation of the rice genome
N Juretic, TE Bureau, RM Bruskiewich
Bioinformatics 20 (2), 155-160, 2004
Identification of candidate genes for drought stress tolerance in rice by the integration of a genetic (QTL) map with the rice genome physical map
X Wang, J Zhu, L Mansueto, R Bruskiewich
Journal of Zhejiang University-SCIENCE B 6 (5), 382-388, 2005
Linking genotype to phenotype: the international rice information system (IRIS)
RM Bruskiewich, AB Cosico, W Eusebio, AM Portugal, LM Ramos, ...
Bioinformatics 19 (suppl_1), i63-i65, 2003
Biolink Model: A universal schema for knowledge graphs in clinical, biomedical, and translational science
DR Unni, SAT Moxon, M Bada, M Brush, R Bruskiewich, JH Caufield, ...
Clinical and translational science 15 (8), 1848-1855, 2022
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Articles 1–20