Maria Nordborg
Maria Nordborg
Freelancing research consultant
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Citované v
Carbon footprints and land use of conventional and organic diets in Germany
H Treu, M Nordborg, C Cederberg, T Heuer, E Claupein, H Hoffmann, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 161, 127-142, 2017
Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policymaking remains limited
C Robledo‐Abad, HJ Althaus, G Berndes, S Bolwig, E Corbera, ...
Gcb Bioenergy 9 (3), 541-556, 2017
Modeling Potential Freshwater Ecotoxicity Impacts Due to Pesticide Use in Biofuel Feedstock Production: The Cases of Maize, Rapeseed, Salix, Soybean, Sugar …
M Nordborg, C Cederberg, G Berndes
Environmental science & technology 48 (19), 11379-11388, 2014
Holistic management–a critical review of Allan Savory’s grazing method
M Nordborg
SLU/EPOK–Centre for Organic Food & Farming & Chalmers, 2016
Freshwater ecotoxicity impacts from pesticide use in animal and vegetable foods produced in Sweden
M Nordborg, J Davis, C Cederberg, A Woodhouse
Science of the Total Environment 581, 448-459, 2017
Updated indicators of Swedish national human toxicity and ecotoxicity footprints using USEtox 2.01
M Nordborg, R Arvidsson, G Finnveden, C Cederberg, L Sörme, V Palm, ...
Environmental Impact Assessment Review 62, 110-114, 2017
Energy analysis of willow production for bioenergy in Sweden
M Nordborg, G Berndes, I Dimitriou, A Henriksson, B Mola-Yudego, ...
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 93, 473-482, 2018
Energy analysis of poplar production for bioenergy in Sweden
M Nordborg, G Berndes, I Dimitriou, A Henriksson, B Mola-Yudego, ...
Biomass and Bioenergy 112, 110-120, 2018
Challenges in developing regionalized characterization factors in land use impact assessment: impacts on ecosystem services in case studies of animal protein production in Sweden
M Nordborg, Y Sasu-Boakye, C Cederberg, G Berndes
The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment 22, 328-345, 2017
Litteraturstudie av miljöpåverkan från konventionellt och ekologiskt producerade livsmedel: Fokus på studier utförda med livscykelanalysmetodik
B Landquist, M Nordborg, S Hornborg
Pesticide use and freshwater ecotoxic impacts in biofuel feedstock production: a comparison between maize, rapeseed, Salix, soybean, sugarcane and wheat
M Nordborg
Bioenergy production and sustainable development: science base for policymaking remains limited. GCB Bioenergy 9: 541–556
C Robledo-Abad, H Althaus, G Berndes, S Bolwig, E Corbera, F Creutzig, ...
Produktion och konsumtion av livsmedel i Västra Götaland 2003 och 2016-Detaljerad resultat-och metodikrapport
B Landquist, M Nordborg
The Zinc Paradox–a Problem for USETox-based indicators of national chemical footprint
R Arvidsson, M Nordborg, C Cederberg, G Finnveden, L Sörme, V Palm, ...
SETAC-Europe Life Cycle Assessment Case Study Symposium, Montpellier, France …, 2016
Assessing potential pesticide-related ecotoxicity impacts of food products across different functional units
M Nordborg, J Davis, C Cederberg, U Sonesson, G Berndes
10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food. Dublin …, 2016
Linköpings universitets klimatavtryck år 2017–2019
D Andersson, M Nordborg, R Linscott
Göteborgs universitets klimatavtryck år 2019–2020
D Andersson, R Linscott, M Nordborg
Stockholms universitets klimatavtryck år 2016–2020
D Andersson, R Linscott, M Nordborg
Göteborgs universitets klimatavtryck år 2019
D Andersson, R Linscott, M Nordborg
The carbon footprint of Way Out West 2019
M Nordborg, D Andersson
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