E. Fontich
E. Fontich
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The parameterization method for invariant manifolds I: manifolds associated to non-resonant subspaces
X Cabré, E Fontich, R De la Llave
Indiana University mathematics journal, 283-328, 2003
The parameterization method for invariant manifolds III: overview and applications
X Cabré, E Fontich, R De La Llave
Journal of Differential Equations 218 (2), 444-515, 2005
Effective stability for a Hamiltonian system near an elliptic equilibrium point, with an application to the restricted three body problem
A Giorgilli, A Delshams, E Fontich, L Galgani, C Simó
Journal of differential equations 77 (1), 167-198, 1989
The parameterization method for invariant manifolds II: regularity with respect to parameters
X Cabré, E Fontich, R De la Llave
Indiana University mathematics journal, 329-360, 2003
The splitting of separatrices for analytic diffeomorphisms
E Fontich, C Simó
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 10 (2), 295-318, 1990
Construction of invariant whiskered tori by a parameterization method. Part I: Maps and flows in finite dimensions
E Fontich, R de la Llave, Y Sire
Journal of Differential Equations 246 (8), 3136-3213, 2009
Invariant manifolds for near identity differentiable maps and splitting of separatrices
E Fontich, C Simó
Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems 10 (2), 319-346, 1990
Exponentially small splitting of separatrices beyond Melnikov analysis: rigorous results
I Baldomá, E Fontich, M Guardia, TM Seara
Journal of Differential Equations 253 (12), 3304-3439, 2012
The parameterization method for one-dimensional invariant manifolds of higher dimensional parabolic fixed points
I Baldomá, E Fontich, R De La Llave, P Martín
Discrete and continuous dynamical systems 17 (4), 835, 2007
Differentiable invariant manifolds for partially hyperbolic tori and a lambda lemma
E Fontich, P Martín
Nonlinearity 13 (5), 1561-1594, 2000
Rapidly forced planar vector fields and splitting of separatrices
E Fontich
Journal of differential equations 119 (2), 310-335, 1995
Arnold diffusion in perturbations of analytic integrable Hamiltonian systems
E Fontich, P Martín
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems 7 (1), 61-84, 2001
General scaling law in the saddle–node bifurcation: a complex phase space study
E Fontich, J Sardanyés
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 41 (1), 015102, 2007
Exponentially small upper bounds for the splitting of separatrices for high frequency periodic perturbations
E Fontich
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 20 (6), 733-744, 1993
Invariant manifolds for a class of parabolic points
J Casasayas, E Fontich, A Nunes
Nonlinearity 5 (5), 1193, 1992
Transversal homoclinic points of a class of conservative diffeomorphisms
E Fontich
Journal of Differential Equations 87 (1), 1-27, 1990
Stable manifolds associated to fixed points with linear part equal to identity
I Baldomá, E Fontich
Journal of Differential Equations 197 (1), 45-72, 2004
Stable curves asymptotic to a degenerate fixed point
E Fontich
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 35 (6), 711-733, 1999
A method for the study of whiskered quasi-periodic andalmost-periodic solutions in finite and infinite dimensionalHamiltonian systems
E Fontich, R de la Llave, Y Sire
Electronic Research Announcements 16, 9-22, 2009
Exponentially small splitting of invariant manifolds of parabolic points
I Baldomá, E Fontich
Memoirs of the American Mathematical Society, 2004, vol. 167, num. 792, 2004
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Articles 1–20