Indrasis Chakraborty
Indrasis Chakraborty
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Citované v
Adaptive boundary control of store induced oscillations in a flexible aircraft wing
BJ Bialy, I Chakraborty, SC Cekic, WE Dixon
Automatica 70, 230-238, 2016
Bio-refractory pollutant removal using microbial electrochemical technologies: a short review
I Das, S Das, I Chakraborty, M Ghangrekar
J Indian Chem Soc 96, 493-497, 2019
TiO2/Activated carbon photo cathode catalyst exposed to ultraviolet radiation to enhance the efficacy of integrated microbial fuel cell-membrane bioreactor
GD Bhowmick, I Chakraborty, MM Ghangrekar, A Mitra
Bioresource Technology Reports 7, 100303, 2019
Virtual battery parameter identification using transfer learning based stacked autoencoder
I Chakraborty, SP Nandanoori, S Kundu
2018 17th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications …, 2018
Artificial intelligence techniques for a scalable energy transition: advanced methods, digital technologies, decision support tools, and applications
M Sayed-Mouchaweh
Springer Nature, 2020
Co-optimization scheme for the powertrain and exhaust emission control system of hybrid electric vehicles using future speed prediction
W Hong, I Chakraborty, H Wang, G Tao
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 6 (3), 533-545, 2021
Identification and validation of virtual battery model for heterogeneous devices
SP Nandanoori, I Chakraborty, T Ramachandran, S Kundu
2019 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting (PESGM), 1-5, 2019
Control of an input delayed uncertain nonlinear system with adaptive delay estimation
I Chakraborty, SS Mehta, E Doucette, WE Dixon
2017 American Control Conference (ACC), 1779-1784, 2017
Mini-channel heat sink parameter sensitivity based on precise heat flux re-distribution
I Mitra, I Ghosh
Thermal Science and Engineering Progress 20, 100717, 2020
In situ bioremediation techniques for the removal of emerging contaminants and heavy metals using hybrid microbial electrochemical technologies
MM Ghangrekar, SM Sathe, I Chakraborty
Emerging technologies in environmental bioremediation, 233-255, 2020
Stochastic Virtual Battery Modeling of Uncertain Electrical Loads Using Variational Autoencoder*
I Chakraborty, SP Nandanoori, S Kundu, K Kalsi
2020 American Control Conference (ACC), 1305-1310, 2020
Compensating for time-varying input and state delays inherent to image-based control systems
I Chakraborty, SS Mehta, JW Curtis, WE Dixon
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 78-83, 2016
Improving primary frequency response in networked microgrid operations using multilayer perceptron‐driven reinforcement learning
N Radhakrishnan, I Chakraborty, J Xie, P Thekkumparambath Mana, ...
IET Smart Grid 3 (4), 500-507, 2020
Lyapunov-based control of an uncertain euler-lagrange system with uncertain time-varying input delays without delay rate constraints
S Obuz, A Parikh, I Chakraborty, WE Dixon
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (10), 141-146, 2016
Control of an uncertain nonlinear system with known time-varying input delays with arbitrary delay rates
I Chakraborty, S Obuz, WE Dixon
IFAC-PapersOnLine 49 (18), 522-527, 2016
Industrial control system device classification using network traffic features and neural network embeddings
I Chakraborty, BM Kelley, B Gallagher
Array 12, 100081, 2021
Control of an uncertain Euler-Lagrange system with known time-varying input delay: A pde-based approach
I Chakraborty, S Obuz, R Licitra, WE Dixon
2016 American Control Conference (ACC), 4344-4349, 2016
Open-source high-fidelity aggregate composite load models of emerging load behaviors for large-sale analysis
Y Liu, S Kundu, Q Huang, M Ghosal, J Zhang, P Cappers, Y Zhang, Z Chu, ...
Pacific Northwest National Lab.(PNNL), Richland, WA (United States), 2020
Fault Detection for Dynamical Systems using Differential Geometric and Concurrent Learning Ap- proach
I Chakraborty, D Vrabie
10th IFAC Symposium on Fault Detection, Supervision and Technical Processes …, 2018
Handbook of smart energy systems
M Fathi, E Zio, PM Pardalos
Springer Nature, 2023
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