Mina Attari
Cited by
Cited by
More details on analysis of fractional-order van der Pol oscillator
MS Tavazoei, M Haeri, M Attari, S Bolouki, M Siami
Journal of Vibration and Control 15 (6), 803-819, 2009
Analysis of a fractional order Van der Pol-like oscillator via describing function method
M Attari, M Haeri, MS Tavazoei
Nonlinear dynamics 61 (1-2), 265-274, 2010
Target tracking formulation of the SVSF with data association techniques
M Attari, SA Gadsden, S Habibi
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2017
An SVSF-Based Generalized Robust Strategy for Target Tracking in Clutter
M Attari, Z Luo, S Habibi
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2015
Target tracking formulation of the SVSF as a probabilistic data association algorithm
M Attari, SA Gadsden, SR Habibi
2013 American Control Conference, 6328-6332, 2013
Modeling, parameterization, and state of charge estimation of Li-Ion cells using a circuit model
HH Afshari, M Attari, R Ahmed, M Farag, S Habibi
2016 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 1-6, 2016
A Multi-Target Tracking Formulation of SVSF With the Joint Probabilistic Data Association Technique
M Attari, SA Gadsden, SR Habibi
ASME 2014 Dynamic Systems and Control Conference, V002T26A002-V002T26A002, 2014
SVSF Estimation for Target Tracking with Measurement Origin Uncertainty
M Attari
Automotive Tracking Technique Using a New IMM Based PDA-SVSF
M Attari, S Habibi
ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition …, 2014
Maneuvering Car Tracking Using the Interacting Multiple Model and the Dynamic 2nd-Order SVSF Method
M Attari, HH Afshari, S Habibi
ASME 2015 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and …, 2015
Study on Fractionalized Oscillatory Systems in Polar Coordinates
M Attari, MS Tavazoei
ENOC, Saint Petersburg, Russia, 2008
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Articles 1–11