Ivan Rudik
Ivan Rudik
Associate Professor, Cornell University
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Citované v
Citované v
Opportunities for advances in climate change economics
M Burke, M Craxton, CD Kolstad, C Onda, H Allcott, E Baker, L Barrage, ...
Science 352 (6283), 292-293, 2016
Steering the climate system: Using inertia to lower the cost of policy
D Lemoine, I Rudik
American Economic Review 107 (10), 2947-2957, 2017
Air pollution and visitation at US national parks
D Keiser, G Lade, I Rudik
Science advances 4 (7), eaat1613, 2018
Optimal climate policy when damages are unknown
I Rudik
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 12 (2), 340-373, 2020
Managing climate change under uncertainty: Recursive integrated assessment at an inflection point
D Lemoine, I Rudik
Annual Review of Resource Economics 9 (1), 117-142, 2017
Conservation cobenefits from air pollution regulation: Evidence from birds
Y Liang, I Rudik, EY Zou, A Johnston, AD Rodewald, CL Kling
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (49), 30900-30906, 2020
The effect of leaded gasoline on elderly mortality: Evidence from regulatory exemptions
A Hollingsworth, I Rudik
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy 13 (3), 345-73, 2021
External impacts of local energy policy: The case of renewable portfolio standards
A Hollingsworth, I Rudik
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 6 (1 …, 2019
Costs of inefficient regulation: Evidence from the Bakken
GE Lade, I Rudik
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 102, 102336, 2020
The Economic Effects of Climate Change in Dynamic Spatial Equilibrium
I Rudik, G Lyn, W Tan, A Ortiz-Bobea
A Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Lead Exposure Reduces Academic Achievement
A Hollingsworth, JM Huang, I Rudik, NJ Sanders
Journal of Human Resources, 0222-12169R2, 2022
The social value of hurricane forecasts
R Molina, I Rudik
AGU23, 2023
The Environmental Effects of Economic Production: Evidence from Ecological Observations
Y Liang, IJ Rudik, E Zou
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2021
Research needs and challenges in the FEW system: Coupling economic models with agronomic, hydrologic, and bioenergy models for sustainable food, energy, and water systems
D Keiser, W Zhang, I Rudik, A VanLoocke, C Kling, W Gutowski, J Arnold, ...
Economic Geography and Air Pollution Regulation in the United States
A Hollingsworth, T Jaworski, C Kitchens, I Rudik
OSF, 2024
Tradable Credit Markets for Intensity Standards
I Rudik
Economic Modelling 72, 202-215, 2018
Synthesis of evidence yields high social cost of carbon due to structural model variation and uncertainties
FC Moore, MA Drupp, J Rising, S Dietz, I Rudik, G Wagner
CESifo Working Paper Series, 2024
General Bayesian Learning in Dynamic Stochastic Models: Estimating the Value of Science Policy
I Rudik, D Lemoine, M Rosenthal
2018 Meeting Papers 369, 2018
Equity and Efficiency in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s Adaptation Investments
I Rudik, D Lemoine, A Marcheva
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2024
The Economic Value of State Parks: Revealed Preference Estimates Using Cell Phone Data
G Del Rossi, CL Kling, I Rudik
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