Julie E Elie
Julie E Elie
Research Fellow
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Neural processing of natural sounds
FE Theunissen, JE Elie
Nature Reviews Neuroscience 15 (6), 355-366, 2014
Vocal communication at the nest between mates in wild zebra finches: a private vocal duet?
JE Elie, MM Mariette, HA Soula, SC Griffith, N Mathevon, C Vignal
Animal Behaviour 80 (4), 597-605, 2010
The vocal repertoire of the domesticated zebra finch: a data-driven approach to decipher the information-bearing acoustic features of communication signals
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
Animal cognition 19, 285-315, 2016
The acoustic expression of stress in a songbird: does corticosterone drive isolation-induced modifications of zebra finch calls?
EC Perez, JE Elie, CO Soulage, HA Soula, N Mathevon, C Vignal
Hormones and behavior 61 (4), 573-581, 2012
Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
Nature communications 9 (1), 4026, 2018
Meaning in the avian auditory cortex: neural representation of communication calls
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
European Journal of Neuroscience 41 (5), 546-567, 2015
Acoustic communication and sound degradation: how do the individual signatures of male and female zebra finch calls transmit over distance?
SC Mouterde, FE Theunissen, JE Elie, C Vignal, N Mathevon
PloS one 9 (7), e102842, 2014
Same-sex pair-bonds are equivalent to male–female bonds in a life-long socially monogamous songbird
JE Elie, N Mathevon, C Vignal
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 65, 2197-2208, 2011
Cortical representation of group social communication in bats
MC Rose, B Styr, TA Schmid, JE Elie, MM Yartsev
Science 374 (6566), eaba9584, 2021
Physiological resonance between mates through calls as possible evidence of empathic processes in songbirds
EC Perez, JE Elie, ICA Boucaud, T Crouchet, CO Soulage, HA Soula, ...
Hormones and behavior 75, 130-141, 2015
Dynamics of communal vocalizations in a social songbird, the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata)
JE Elie, HA Soula, N Mathevon, C Vignal
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 129 (6), 4037-4046, 2011
Single neurons in the avian auditory cortex encode individual identity and propagation distance in naturally degraded communication calls
SC Mouterde, JE Elie, N Mathevon, FE Theunissen
Journal of Neuroscience 37 (13), 3491-3510, 2017
ZENK activation in the nidopallium of black-capped chickadees in response to both conspecific and heterospecific calls
MT Avey, LL Bloomfield, JE Elie, TM Freeberg, LM Guillette, M Hoeschele, ...
PLoS One 9 (6), e100927, 2014
Learning to cope with degraded sounds: female zebra finches can improve their expertise in discriminating between male voices at long distances
SC Mouterde, JE Elie, FE Theunissen, N Mathevon
Journal of Experimental Biology 217 (17), 3169-3177, 2014
The neuroethology of vocal communication in songbirds: production and perception of a call repertoire
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
The neuroethology of birdsong, 175-209, 2020
Expression of Zif268 in the granule cell layer of the adult mouse olfactory bulb is modulated by experience
GU Busto, JE Elie, F Kermen, S Garcia, J Sacquet, F Jourdan, D Marcel, ...
European Journal of Neuroscience 29 (7), 1431-1439, 2009
From perception to action: the role of auditory input in shaping vocal communication and social behaviors in birds
JE Elie, S Hoffmann, JL Dunning, MJ Coleman, ES Fortune, JF Prather
Brain Behavior and Evolution 94 (1-4), 51-60, 2020
Invariant neural responses for sensory categories revealed by the time-varying information for communication calls
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
PLoS computational biology 15 (9), e1006698, 2019
Vocal learning–associated convergent evolution in mammalian proteins and regulatory elements
ME Wirthlin, TA Schmid, JE Elie, X Zhang, A Kowalczyk, R Redlich, ...
Science 383 (6690), eabn3263, 2024
Zebra finches identify individuals using vocal signatures unique to each call type. Nat Commun 9: 4026
JE Elie, FE Theunissen
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Articles 1–20