Lorenzo Malavasi
Lorenzo Malavasi
Full Professor at Department of Chemistry - University of Pavia
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Oxide-ion and proton conducting electrolyte materials for clean energy applications: structural and mechanistic features
L Malavasi, CAJ Fisher, MS Islam
Chemical Society Reviews 39 (11), 4370-4387, 2010
Evidence of a Pressure-Induced Metallization Process in Monoclinic
E Arcangeletti, L Baldassarre, D Di Castro, S Lupi, L Malavasi, C Marini, ...
Physical review letters 98 (19), 196406, 2007
Optical properties of compounds under high pressure
C Marini, E Arcangeletti, D Di Castro, L Baldassare, A Perucchi, S Lupi, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (23), 235111, 2008
Raman spectroscopy of AMn 2 O 4 (A= Mn, Mg and Zn) spinels
L Malavasi, P Galinetto, MC Mozzati, CB Azzoni, G Flor
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 4 (15), 3876-3880, 2002
High conductivity and chemical stability of BaCe 1− x− y Zr x Y y O 3− δ proton conductors prepared by a sol–gel method
S Barison, M Battagliarin, T Cavallin, L Doubova, M Fabrizio, C Mortalò, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry 18 (42), 5120-5128, 2008
Effect of alkaline-doping on the properties of La 2 Mo 2 O 9 fast oxygen ion conductor
C Tealdi, G Chiodelli, L Malavasi, G Flor
Journal of Materials Chemistry 14 (24), 3553-3557, 2004
Pressure-induced effects in organic–inorganic hybrid perovskites
P Postorino, L Malavasi
The journal of physical chemistry letters 8 (12), 2613-2622, 2017
Quasiparticle evolution and pseudogap formation in : An infrared spectroscopy study
L Baldassarre, A Perucchi, D Nicoletti, A Toschi, G Sangiovanni, K Held, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (11), 113107, 2008
Nature of the Monoclinic to Cubic Phase Transition in the Fast Oxygen Ion Conductor La2Mo2O9 (LAMOX)
L Malavasi, HJ Kim, SJL Billinge, T Proffen, C Tealdi, G Flor
Journal of the American Chemical Society 129 (21), 6903-6907, 2007
Germanium‐based halide perovskites: materials, properties, and applications
R Chiara, M Morana, L Malavasi
ChemPlusChem 86 (6), 879-888, 2021
Water‐Stable DMASnBr3 Lead‐Free Perovskite for Effective Solar‐Driven Photocatalysis
L Romani, A Speltini, F Ambrosio, E Mosconi, A Profumo, M Marelli, ...
Angewandte Chemie 133 (7), 3655-3662, 2021
Origin of colossal magnetoresistance in LaMnO3 manganite
M Baldini, T Muramatsu, M Sherafati, H Mao, L Malavasi, P Postorino, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (35), 10869-10872, 2015
High-pressure behavior of methylammonium lead iodide (MAPbI3) hybrid perovskite
F Capitani, C Marini, S Caramazza, P Postorino, G Garbarino, M Hanfland, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 119 (18), 2016
Electrochemical open circuit voltage (OCV) characterization of SOFC materials
G Chiodelli, L Malavasi
Ionics 19, 1135-1144, 2013
Role of synthetic route on the transport properties of BaCe1− xYxO3 proton conductor
G Chiodelli, L Malavasi, C Tealdi, S Barison, M Battagliarin, L Doubova, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 470 (1-2), 477-485, 2009
Role of oxygen content on the transport and magnetic properties of La1− xCaxMnO3+ δ manganites
L Malavasi, MC Mozzati, CB Azzoni, G Chiodelli, G Flor
Solid state communications 123 (8), 321-326, 2002
TiO2 thin films for spintronics application: a Raman study
F Rossella, P Galinetto, MC Mozzati, L Malavasi, Y Diaz Fernandez, ...
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy: An International Journal for Original Work in …, 2010
Synthesis, structural and optical characterization of APbX3 (A= methylammonium, dimethylammonium, trimethylammonium; X= I, Br, Cl) hybrid organic-inorganic materials
A Mancini, P Quadrelli, G Amoroso, C Milanese, M Boiocchi, A Sironi, ...
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 240, 55-60, 2016
NdCoO3 perovskite as possible candidate for CO-sensors: thin films synthesis and sensing properties
L Malavasi, C Tealdi, G Flor, G Chiodelli, V Cervetto, A Montenero, ...
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 105 (2), 407-411, 2005
Effects of cation vacancy distribution in doped LaMnO3+ δ perovskites
L Malavasi, C Ritter, MC Mozzati, C Tealdi, MS Islam, CB Azzoni, G Flor
Journal of Solid State Chemistry 178 (6), 2042-2049, 2005
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