Annelies Vandersickel
Annelies Vandersickel
DLR, Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics, Department thermal process Engineering,
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Citované v
Experimental study of an ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle) and analysis of R1233zd-E as a drop-in replacement for R245fa for low temperature heat utilization
S Eyerer, C Wieland, A Vandersickel, H Spliethoff
Energy 103, 660-671, 2016
Design of a MW-scale thermo-chemical energy storage reactor
M Angerer, M Becker, S Härzschel, K Kröper, S Gleis, A Vandersickel, ...
Energy Reports 4, 507-519, 2018
The autoignition of practical fuels at HCCI conditions: High-pressure shock tube experiments and phenomenological modeling
A Vandersickel, M Hartmann, K Vogel, YM Wright, M Fikri, R Starke, ...
Fuel 93, 492-501, 2012
Comprehensive investigation and comparison of TFM, DenseDPM and CFD-DEM for dense fluidized beds
P Ostermeier, S DeYoung, A Vandersickel, S Gleis, H Spliethoff
Chemical Engineering Science 196, 291-309, 2019
Smart campuses: extensive review of the last decade of research and current challenges
N Chagnon-Lessard, L Gosselin, S Barnabé, T Bello-Ochende, S Fendt, ...
IEEE Access 9, 124200-124234, 2021
Applications of thermal energy storage in the energy transition-benchmarks and developments
D Gibb, A Seitz, M Johnson, J Romani, J Gasia, LF Gabeza, R Gurtner, ...
Lehrstuhl für Energiesysteme, 2018
Three dimensional multi fluid modeling of Geldart B bubbling fluidized bed with complex inlet geometries
P Ostermeier, A Vandersickel, S Gleis, H Spliethoff
Powder technology 312, 89-102, 2017
Numerical calculation of wall-to-bed heat transfer coefficients in Geldart B bubbling fluidized beds with immersed horizontal tubes
P Ostermeier, F Dawo, A Vandersickel, S Gleis, H Spliethoff
Powder Technology 333, 193-208, 2018
Automated identification of a complex storage model and hardware implementation of a model-predictive controller for a cooling system with ice storage
S Thiem, A Born, V Danov, A Vandersickel, J Schäfer, T Hamacher
Applied Thermal Engineering 121, 922-940, 2017
High temperature heat and water recovery in steam injected gas turbines using an open absorption heat pump
A Vandersickel, WG Wedel, H Spliethoff
Applied Thermal Engineering 165, 114663, 2020
Hydrodynamics and heat transfer around a horizontal tube immersed in a Geldart b bubbling fluidized bed
P Ostermeier, A VANDERSICKEL, M Becker, S Gleis, H Spliethoff
Multiphase Flow: Theory and Applications, 73, 2018
Extension of the phenomenological 3-Arrhenius auto-ignition model for six surrogate automotive fuels
CK Blomberg, D Mitakos, M Bardi, K Boulouchos, YM Wright, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 9 (3), 1544-1558, 2016
Global reaction mechanism for the auto-ignition of full boiling range gasoline and kerosene fuels
A Vandersickel, YM Wright, K Boulouchos
Combustion Theory and Modelling 17 (6), 1020-1052, 2013
Ignition delays of different homogeneous fuel-air mixtures in a rapid compression expansion machine and comparison with a 3-stage-ignition model parameterized on shock tube data
D Mitakos, C Blomberg, A Vandersickel, Y Wright, B Schneider, ...
SAE International Journal of Engines 6 (4), 1934-1952, 2013
Two approaches to auto-ignition modelling for HCCI applications
A Vandersickel
ETH Zurich, 2011
Numerical approaches for modeling gas–solid fluidized bed reactors: comparison of models and application to different technical problems
P Ostermeier, A Vandersickel, S Gleis, H Spliethoff
Journal of Energy Resources Technology 141 (7), 070707, 2019
CaO-Based Energy and CO2 Storage System for the Flexibilization of an IGCC Plant with Carbon Capture
A Vandersickel, RP Field, W Chen, ND Mancini, A Mitsos
Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 53 (30), 12032-12043, 2014
Design of a MW-scale thermo-chemical energy storage reactor. Energy Rep 2018; 4: 507–19
M Angerer, M Becker, S Härzschel, K Kröper, S Gleis, A Vandersickel
Small-scale pumped heat electricity storage for decentralised combined heat and power generation: cost optimal design and operation
A Vandersickel, A Aboueldahab, H Spliethoff
Proceedings of ecos 2016-the 29th international conference on efficiency …, 2016
Improving information gain from optimization problems using artificial neural networks
W Wedel, A Hanel, H Spliethoff, A Vandersickel
The 32ND international conference ON efficiency, cost, optimization …, 2019
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