Katharina J. Filz
Katharina J. Filz
North Rhine Westphalian State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection
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Cited by
Comparative landscape genetics of three closely related sympatric Hesperid butterflies with diverging ecological traits
JO Engler, N Balkenhol, KJ Filz, JC Habel, D Rödder
PLoS One 9 (9), e106526, 2014
Missing the target? A critical view on butterfly conservation efforts on calcareous grasslands in south-western Germany
KJ Filz, JO Engler, J Stoffels, M Weitzel, T Schmitt
Biodiversity and Conservation 22 (10), 2223-2241, 2013
How fine is fine-scale? Questioning the use of fine-scale bioclimatic data in species distribution models used for forecasting abundance patterns in butterflies.
KJ Filz, T Schmitt, JO Engler
European Journal of Entomology 110 (2), 2013
A question of adaptability: Climate and habitat change lower trait diversity in butterfly communities in south-western Germany.
KJ Filz, M Wiemers, A Herrig, M Weitzel, T Schmitt
European Journal of Entomology 110 (4), 2013
Abandoned Foreigners: is the stage set for exotic pet reptiles to invade Central Europe?
KJ Filz, A Bohr, S Lötters
Biodiversity and Conservation 27, 417-435, 2018
Niche overlap and host specificity in parasitic Maculinea butterflies (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) as a measure for potential extinction risks under climate change
KJ Filz, T Schmitt
Organisms Diversity & Evolution 15, 555-565, 2015
Hypothesizing if responses to climate change affect herbicide exposure risk for amphibians
S Lötters, KJ Filz, N Wagner, BR Schmidt, C Emmerling, M Veith
Environmental Sciences Europe 26, 1-5, 2014
Auswirkungen auf geschützte und schutzwürdige Arten
KBG S Trautmann, S Lötters, J Ott, J Buse, K Filz, D Rödder, N Wagner, A ...
Klimawandel und Biodiversität – Folgen für Deutschland, 260-289, 2012
Untersuchung der Arealdynamik des Kurzschwänzigen Bläulings (Cupido argiades, PALLAS 1771) unter Klimawandelbedingungen mit Artverbreitungsmodellen in Europa (Lepidoptera …
KJ Filz, T Schmitt
Abh Delattinia 38, 215-228, 2012
Global Change Impacts on Biodiversity and their Implications for Species Conservation Global Change Impacts on Biodiversity and their Implications for Species Conservation …
KJ Filz
Treibhausgas-Emissionsinventar Nordrhein-Westfalen 2017
K Filz, D Hoppe
LANUV-Fachbericht, 41, 2019
Modelle für den Wandel der Natur: Computergestützte Zukunftsszenarien
K Filz
Biologie in unserer Zeit 45 (4), 236-245, 2015
Zusammensetzung und Bestandsentwicklung von Tagfalterzönosen (Lepidoptera Rhopalocera) auf Brachflächen im Raum Trier über 40 Jahre
A Herrig, T Schmitt, M Weitzel, KJ Filz
Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 51, 357-392, 2014
Untersuchungen zur Bestandsentwicklung der Tagfalterzönosen auf Kalkmagerrasen im Saar-Mosel-Gebiet
KJ Filz, D Jänicke, T Schmitt, M Frede, M Weitzel
Mainzer Naturwissenschaftliches Archiv 50, 383-397, 2014
Niche overlap and host specificity in myrmecophilic blues as a measure for climatic susceptibility
KJ Filz, T Schmitt
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Articles 1–15