Yizhou Qian
Yizhou Qian
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Cited by
Application of deep learning to large scale riverine flow velocity estimation
M Forghani, Y Qian, J Lee, MW Farthing, T Hesser, PK Kitanidis, EF Darve
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35, 1069-1088, 2021
Variational encoder geostatistical analysis (VEGAS) with an application to large scale riverine bathymetry
M Forghani, Y Qian, J Lee, M Farthing, T Hesser, PK Kitanidis, EF Darve
Advances in Water Resources 170, 104323, 2022
Automatic valve segmentation in cardiac ultrasound time series data
Y Dukler, Y Ge, Y Qian, S Yamamoto, B Yuan, L Zhao, AL Bertozzi, ...
Medical Imaging 2018: Image Processing 10574, 493-504, 2018
TaskTorrent: a lightweight distributed task-based runtime system in C++
L Cambier, Y Qian, E Darve
2020 IEEE/ACM 3rd Annual Parallel Applications Workshop: Alternatives To …, 2020
Application of deep learning-based interpolation methods to nearshore bathymetry
Y Qian, M Forghani, JH Lee, M Farthing, T Hesser, P Kitanidis, E Darve
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.09707, 2020
Deep learning-based fast solver of the shallow water equations
M Forghani, Y Qian, J Lee, MW Farthing, T Hesser, PK Kitanidis, EF Darve
arXiv preprint arXiv:2111.11702, 2021
Machine Learning and Projection-Based Model Reduction in Hydrology and Geosciences
M Forghani, Y Qian, J Lee, M Farthing, T Hesser, PK Kitanidis, EF Darve
Knowledge Guided Machine Learning, 83-110, 2022
Physics-based parameterized neural ordinary differential equations: prediction of laser ignition in a rocket combustor
Y Qian, J Wang, Q Douasbin, E Darve
arXiv preprint arXiv:2302.08629, 2023
Surfzone Topography-informed Deep Learning Techniques to Nearshore Bathymetry with Sparse Measurements.
Y Qian, H Ghorbanidehno, MW Farthing, T Hesser, PK Kitanidis, EF Darve
AAAI Spring Symposium: MLPS, 2020
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Articles 1–9