Ilit Oppenheim
Ilit Oppenheim
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
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User attitudes towards news content personalization
T Lavie, M Sela, I Oppenheim, O Inbar, J Meyer
International journal of human-computer studies 68 (8), 483-495, 2010
Can traffic violations be traced to gender-role, sensation seeking, demographics and driving exposure?
I Oppenheim, T Oron-Gilad, Y Parmet, D Shinar
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 43, 387-395, 2016
Which smartphone's apps may contribute to road safety? An AHP model to evaluate experts' opinions
T Albert, G., Musicant, O., Oppenheim, I., & Lotan
Transport Policy 50, 54-62, 2016
Human factors and ergonomics
I Oppenheim, D Shinar
Handbook of traffic psychology, 193-211, 2011
A context-sensitive model of driving behaviour and its implications for in-vehicle safety systems
I Oppenheim, D Shinar
Cognition, Technology & Work 14, 261-281, 2012
Review of models of driver behaviour and development of a unified driver behaviour model for driving in safety critical situations
D Shinar, I Oppenheim
Human Modelling in Assisted Transportation: Models, Tools and Risk Methods …, 2011
Personalizing news content: An experimental study
M Sela, T Lavie, O Inbar, I Oppenheim, J Meyer
Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 66 (1), 1-12, 2015
Critical review of models and parameters for driver models in different surface transport systems and in different safety critical situations
I Oppenheim, D Shinar, O Carsten, Y Barnard, F Lai, F Vanderhaegen, ...
ITERATE deliverable 1, 2010
Description of unified model of driver behaviour (UMD) and definition of key parameters for specific application to different surface transport domains of application
I Oppenheim, S Enjalbert, R Dahyot, M Pichon, A Ouedraogo, M Lützhöft, ...
ITERATE Consortium, VTI, 2010
Critical state of the art and unified models of driver behaviour
I Oppenheim, D Shinar, S Enjalbert, R Dahyot, M Pichon, A Ouedraogo, ...
ITERATE Deliverable 1, 2010
Can Driver Behavior Be Traced to Gender Role, Sex and Age
M Oppenheim, I Parmet, ZT Oron-Gilad
Adv. Transp 60, 450-459, 2022
Use of graphic imagery as a mean of communication between operators and unmanned systems in C3fire tasks
T Oron-Gilad, I Oppenheim
Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Performance, Emotion and …, 2017
The role of bi-directional graphic communication in human-unmanned operations
T Oron-Gilad, I Oppenheim, Y Parmet
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction 38 (18-20), 1926-1943, 2022
A communication interface for a dismounted ground commander and an Intelligent Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Systems (IA-UAS)–A feasibility study
R Ziv-Schegolsky, I Oppenheim, Y Parmet, T Oron-Gilad
Proceedings of the human factors and ergonomics society annual meeting 64 (1 …, 2020
What affects Public Transport Passengers’ Satisfaction and Acceptance of New Services?
I Oppenheim, S Erlich, T Raviv
550 Drinking and driving: consumption of alcohol mixed energy drinks compared to alcohol in a simulator
Y Parmet, H Schwartz-Chassidim, I Oppenheim, T Oron-Gilad
Injury Prevention 22 (Suppl 2), A198-A198, 2016
Design & Validation of a Quantitative Driver-vehicle-environment Model Based on Selected Drivers' Variables and Scenarios
I Oppenheim
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Faculty Engineering, Department of …, 2014
Data and experimental protocol from the experiments
B Peters, M Hjälmdahl, F Lai, T Horrobin, S Enjalbert, PC Cacciabue, ...
LAMIH, Valenciennes, 2011
Personalized News Alerts: Users' declared and actual preferences and the role of context
I Oppenheim
Ben Gurion University of the Negev, 2008
Addressing the Information Needs of Road Users in Extreme Emergency Events-Utilizing New Technologies
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