Timo Thünken
Timo Thünken
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Active inbreeding in a cichlid fish and its adaptive significance
T Thünken, TCM Bakker, SA Baldauf, H Kullmann
Current Biology 17 (3), 225-229, 2007
Infection with an acanthocephalan manipulates an amphipod’s reaction to a fish predator’s odours
SA Baldauf, T Thünken, JG Frommen, TCM Bakker, O Heupel, ...
International journal for parasitology 37 (1), 61-65, 2007
Female nuptial coloration and its adaptive significance in a mutual mate choice system
SA Baldauf, TCM Bakker, H Kullmann, T Thünken
Behavioral Ecology 22 (3), 478-485, 2011
You can't always get what you want: size assortative mating by mutual mate choice as a resolution of sexual conflict
SA Baldauf, H Kullmann, SH Schroth, T Thünken, TCM Bakker
BMC Evolutionary Biology 9, 1-9, 2009
Olfactory self-recognition in a cichlid fish
T Thünken, N Waltschyk, TCM Bakker, H Kullmann
Animal Cognition 12, 717-724, 2009
Costly plastic morphological responses to predator specific odour cues in three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
JG Frommen, F Herder, L Engqvist, M Mehlis, TCM Bakker, J Schwarzer, ...
Evolutionary Ecology 25, 641-656, 2011
Neglected patterns of variation in phenotypic plasticity: age-and sex-specific antipredator plasticity in a cichlid fish
D Meuthen, SA Baldauf, TCM Bakker, T Thünken
The American Naturalist 191 (4), 475-490, 2018
Growth and social behavior in a cichlid fish are affected by social rearing environment and kinship
S Hesse, T Thünken
Naturwissenschaften 101, 273-283, 2014
Quantification acuity in spontaneous shoaling decisions of three-spined sticklebacks
M Mehlis, T Thünken, TCM Bakker, JG Frommen
Animal cognition 18, 1125-1131, 2015
Microsatellite support for active inbreeding in a cichlid fish
K Langen, J Schwarzer, H Kullmann, TCM Bakker, T Thünken
PLoS One 6 (9), e24689, 2011
Kin recognition by phenotype matching is family-rather than self-referential in juvenile cichlid fish
S Hesse, TCM Bakker, SA Baldauf, T Thünken
Animal Behaviour 84 (2), 451-457, 2012
Computer animation as a tool to study preferences in the cichlid Pelvicachromis taeniatus
SA Baldauf, H Kullmann, T Thünken, S Winter, TCM Bakker
Journal of Fish Biology 75 (3), 738-746, 2009
Fish odour triggers conspecific attraction behaviour in an aquatic invertebrate
H Kullmann, T Thünken, SA Baldauf, TCM Bakker, JG Frommen
Biology Letters 4 (5), 458-460, 2008
Parental investment in relation to offspring quality in the biparental cichlid fish Pelvicachromis taeniatus
T Thünken, D Meuthen, TCM Bakker, H Kullmann
Animal Behaviour 80 (1), 69-74, 2010
Predator-induced neophobia in juvenile cichlids
D Meuthen, SA Baldauf, TCM Bakker, T Thünken
Oecologia 181 (4), 947-958, 2016
A sex-specific trade-off between mating preferences for genetic compatibility and body size in a cichlid fish with mutual mate choice
T Thünken, D Meuthen, TCM Bakker, SA Baldauf
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 279 (1740), 2959-2964, 2012
Size-related inbreeding preference and competitiveness in male Pelvicachromis taeniatus (Cichlidae)
T Thünken, SA Baldauf, H Kullmann, J Schuld, S Hesse, TCM Bakker
Behavioral Ecology 22 (2), 358-362, 2011
Male mate choice scales female ornament allometry in a cichlid fish
SA Baldauf, TCM Bakker, F Herder, H Kullmann, T Thünken
BMC Evolutionary Biology 10, 1-9, 2010
Adaptive parasitic manipulation as exemplified by acanthocephalans
TCM Bakker, JG Frommen, T Thünken
Ethology 123 (11), 779-784, 2017
Social deprivation affects cooperative predator inspection in a cichlid fish
S Hesse, JM Anaya-Rojas, JG Frommen, T Thünken
Royal Society Open Science 2 (3), 140451, 2015
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