Mark Kon
Cited by
Cited by
A new phylogenetic diversity measure generalizing the Shannon index and its application to phyllostomid bats
B Allen, M Kon, Y Bar-Yam
The American Naturalist 174 (2), 236-243, 2009
Infrared spectral histopathology (SHP): a novel diagnostic tool for the accurate classification of lung cancer
B Bird, M Miljkoviæ, S Remiszewski, A Akalin, M Kon, M Diem
Laboratory investigation 92 (9), 1358-1373, 2012
Local convergence for wavelet expansions
SE Kelly, MA Kon, LA Raphael
Journal of Functional Analysis 126 (1), 102-138, 1994
Pointwise convergence of wavelet expansions
SE Kelly, MA Kon, LA Raphael
Bulletin of The American Mathematical Society 30 (1), 87-94, 1994
Exact smoothing properties of Schrödinger semigroups
A Gulisashvili, MA Kon
American Journal of Mathematics 118 (6), 1215-1248, 1996
Pathway-based classification of cancer subtypes
S Kim, M Kon, C DeLisi
Biology direct 7, 1-22, 2012
Oscillation criteria for delay equations
M Kon, Y Sficas, I Stavroulakis
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 128 (10), 2989-2997, 2000
Biomedical Informatics for Computer‐Aided Decision Support Systems: A Survey
A Belle, MA Kon, K Najarian
The Scientific World Journal 2013 (1), 769639, 2013
Methods and systems for classifying biological samples, including optimization of analyses and use of correlation
SH Remiszewski, M Diem, CM Thompson, A Ergin, MU Xinying, ...
US Patent 10,043,054, 2018
Top scoring pairs for feature selection in machine learning and applications to cancer outcome prediction
P Shi, S Ray, Q Zhu, MA Kon
BMC bioinformatics 12, 1-15, 2011
Classification of malignant and benign tumors of the lung by infrared spectral histopathology (SHP)
A Akalin, X Mu, MA Kon, A Ergin, SH Remiszewski, CM Thompson, ...
Laboratory investigation 95 (4), 406-421, 2015
Lecture Notes in Mathematics
MA Kon
Integrating genomic data to predict transcription factor binding
DT Holloway, M Kon, C De Lisi
Genome informatics 16 (1), 83-94, 2005
Information complexity of neural networks
MA Kon, L Plaskota
Neural Networks 13 (3), 365-375, 2000
Machine learning reveals missing edges and putative interaction mechanisms in microbial ecosystem networks
D DiMucci, M Kon, D Segrè
Msystems 3 (5), 10.1128/msystems. 00181-18, 2018
Algorithms and complexity
JF Traub
Academic, 1976
Multimodal learning and intelligent prediction of symptom development in individual Parkinson’s patients
AW Przybyszewski, M Kon, S Szlufik, A Szymanski, P Habela, ...
Sensors 16 (9), 1498, 2016
Information-based nonlinear approximation: an average case setting
M Kon, L Plaskota
Journal of Complexity 21 (2), 211-229, 2005
Machine learning for regulatory analysis and transcription factor target prediction in yeast
DT Holloway, M Kon, C DeLisi
Systems and synthetic biology 1, 25-46, 2007
Statistical analysis of a lung cancer spectral histopathology (SHP) data set
X Mu, M Kon, A Ergin, S Remiszewski, A Akalin, CM Thompson, M Diem
Analyst 140 (7), 2449-2464, 2015
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Articles 1–20