Bart Huyck
Bart Huyck
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Towards online model predictive control on a programmable logic controller: Practical considerations
B Huyck, HJ Ferreau, M Diehl, J De Brabanter, JFM Van Impe, B De Moor, ...
Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2012 (1), 912603, 2012
Online model predictive control of industrial processes using low level control hardware: A pilot-scale distillation column case study
B Huyck, J De Brabanter, B De Moor, JF Van Impe, F Logist
Control Engineering Practice 28, 34-48, 2014
Normalised efficiency of photovoltaic systems: Going beyond the performance ratio
B Herteleer, B Huyck, F Catthoor, J Driesen, J Cappelle
Solar Energy 157, 408-418, 2017
Implementation and experimental validation of classic MPC on programmable logic controllers
B Huyck, L Callebaut, F Logist, HJ Ferreau, M Diehl, J De Brabanter, ...
2012 20th Mediterranean Conference on Control & Automation (MED), 679-684, 2012
Identification of a pilot scale distillation column: a kernel based approach
B Huyck, K De Brabanter, F Logist, J De Brabanter, J Van Impe, ...
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 471-476, 2011
Identification and modeling of distillation columns from transient response data
D Ugryumova, G Vandersteen, B Huyck, F Logist, J Van Impe, B De Moor
2012 IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology …, 2012
Typical cruising speed of speed pedelecs and the link with motor power as a result of a Belgian naturalistic cycling study
B Rotthier, G Stevens, L Dikomitis, B Huyck, E Motoasca, J Cappelle
Identification and control of a pilot scale binary distillation column
F Logist, B Huyck, M Fabré, M Verwerft, B Pluymers, J De Brabanter, ...
2009 European Control Conference (ECC), 4659-4664, 2009
Model predictive control of a pilot-scale distillation column using a programmable automation controller
B Huyck, J De Brabanter, B De Moor, J Van Impe, F Logist
2013 European Control Conference (ECC), 1053-1058, 2013
Constrained model predictive control on a programmable automation system exploiting code generation: practical considerations
B Huyck, F Logist, J De Brabanter, J Van Impe, B De Moor
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 44 (1), 12207-12212, 2011
Electrical energy management for low-voltage clients
B Huyck, J Cappelle, K Stul, K Duerloo, J Debaenst, C Van Laere
2007 International Conference on Clean Electrical Power, 89-93, 2007
A reproducible method for growing biofilms on polystyrene surfaces: biomass and bacterial viability evolution of Pseudomonas fluorescens and Staphylococcus epidermidis
V Angarano, C Smet, S Akkermans, T Akritidou, B Huyck, A Chieffi, ...
Applied Sciences 10 (13), 4544, 2020
Is the speed pedelec the light electric vehicle that will achieve a modal shift?
B Rotthier, G Stevens, B Huyck, E Motoasca, J Cappelle
Proceedings of World Light Electric Vehicle Summit, 2017
The rise of the speed pedelec, restrained by legislation?
B Rotthier, G Stevens, B Huyck, E Motoasca, J Cappelle
EVS 2017-30th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition, 2017
Social benefits and legislative challenges of speed pedelecs
B Rotthier, B Huyck, L Dikomitis, E Motoasca, J Cappelle
Velo-City Global, 2016
Identifcation and modeling of a dynamical system
B Huyck, J De Brabanter, J Van Impe, B De Moor
submitted for ecumict, 2008
The speed pedelec: A game changer for commuting in Belgium
B Rotthier, B Huyck, E Motoasca, J Cappelle
WEBikeC2016 seminar presentation, 09-06, 2016
High frequency outdoor measurements of photovoltaic modules using an innovative measurement set-up
B Herteleer, B Morel, B Huyck, J Cappelle, R Appels, B Lefevre, ...
Model Predictive Control in the Chemical Process Industry hosted by Industrial Controllers
B Huyck
PhD thesis. KU Leuven–Faculty of Engineering Science, 2013
Identification of a Noninsulated Distillation Column From Transient Response Data
D Ugryumova, G Vandersteen, B Huyck, F Logist, J Van Impe, B De Moor
IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 62 (5), 1382-1391, 2013
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