Amy Russell
Amy Russell
Professor of Biology, Grand Valley State University
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Fatalities at wind turbines may threaten population viability of a migratory bat
WF Frick, EF Baerwald, JF Pollock, RMR Barclay, JA Szymanski, ...
Biological Conservation 209, 172-177, 2017
Genetic variation and migration in the Mexican free-tailed bat (Tadarída brasiliensis mexicana)
AL Russell, RA Medellin, GF McCracken
Molecular Ecology 14, 2207-2222, 2005
A multidimensional approach for detecting species patterns in Malagasy vertebrates
AD Yoder, LE Olson, C Hanley, KL Heckman, R Rasoloarison, AL Russell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 102 (suppl_1), 6587-6594, 2005
Road-killed bats, highway design, and the commuting ecology of bats
AL Russell, CM Butchkoski, L Saidak, GF McCracken
Endangered Species Research 8 (1-2), 49-60, 2009
Genetic Structure of Little Brown Bats (Myotis lucifugus) Corresponds with Spread of White-Nose Syndrome among Hibernacula
CM Miller-Butterworth, MJ Vonhof, J Rosenstern, GG Turner, AL Russell
Journal of Heredity 105 (3), 354-364, 2014
Market forces and technological substitutes can cause fluctuations in the value of bat pest-control services for cotton
L Lopez-Hoffman, R Wiederholt, C Sansone, KJ Bagstad, P Cryan, ...
PLoS ONE 9 (2), e87912, 2014
Rapid range expansion of the Brazilian free-tailed bat in the southeastern United States, 2008–2016
GF McCracken, RF Bernard, M Gamba-Rios, R Wolfe, JJ Krauel, ...
Journal of Mammalogy 99 (2), 312-320, 2018
Multiple colonisations of the western Indian Ocean by Pteropus fruit bats (Megachiroptera: Pteropodidae): the furthest islands were colonised first
J O’Brien, C Mariani, L Olson, AL Russell, L Say, AD Yoder, TJ Hayden
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 51 (2), 294-303, 2009
A new species of Emballonura (Chiroptera: Emballonuridae) from the dry regions of Madagascar
SM Goodman, SG Cardiff, J Ranivo, AL Russell, AD Yoder
American Museum Novitates 2006 (3538), 1-24, 2006
Moving across the border: modeling migratory bat populations
R Wiederholt, L López-Hoffman, J Cline, RA Medellín, P Cryan, A Russell, ...
Ecosphere 4 (9), 1-16, 2013
Range-Wide Genetic Analysis of Little Brown Bat (Myotis lucifugus) Populations: Estimating the Risk of Spread of White-Nose Syndrome
MJ Vonhof, AL Russell, CM Miller-Butterworth
PLoS One 10 (7), e0128713, 2015
Working at the interface of phylogenetics and population genetics: a biogeographical analysis of Triaenops spp. (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae)
AL Russell, J Ranivo, EP Palkovacs, SM Goodman, AD Yoder
Molecular Ecology 16 (4), 839-851, 2007
Sex-biased dispersal produces high error rates in mitochondrial distance-based and tree-based species delimitation
LM Dávalos, AL Russell
Journal of Mammalogy 95 (4), 781-791, 2014
Deglaciation explains bat extinction in the C aribbean
LM Davalos, AL Russell
Ecology and Evolution 2 (12), 3045-3051, 2012
Exploring demographic, physical, and historical explanations for the genetic structure of two lineages of Greater Antillean bats
RA Muscarella, KL Murray, D Ortt, AL Russell, TH Fleming
PLoS One 6 (3), e17704, 2011
Coalescent analyses support multiple mainland‐to‐island dispersals in the evolution of Malagasy Triaenops bats (Chiroptera: Hipposideridae)
AL Russell, SM Goodman, MP Cox
Journal of Biogeography 35 (6), 995-1003, 2008
Identifying research needs to inform white‐nose syndrome management decisions
RF Bernard, JD Reichard, JTH Coleman, JC Blackwood, ML Verant, ...
Conservation Science and Practice 2 (8), e220, 2020
From the field to the lab: best practices for field preservation of bat specimens for molecular analyses
A Corthals, A Martin, OM Warsi, M Woller-Skar, W Lancaster, A Russell, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0118994, 2015
Operationalizing the telecoupling framework for migratory species using the spatial subsidies approach to examine ecosystem services provided by Mexican free-tailed bats
L Lopez-Hoffman, J Diffendorfer, R Wiederholt, KJ Bagstad, ...
Ecology and Society 22 (4), e23, 2017
Two tickets to paradise: multiple dispersal events in the founding of hoary bat populations in Hawai'i
AL Russell, CA Pinzari, MJ Vonhof, KJ Olival, FJ Bonaccorso
PLoS One 10 (6), e0127912, 2015
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