Saemundur Sveinsson
Saemundur Sveinsson
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Ultra‐barcoding in cacao (Theobroma spp.; Malvaceae) using whole chloroplast genomes and nuclear ribosomal DNA
N Kane, S Sveinsson, H Dempewolf, JY Yang, D Zhang, JMM Engels, ...
American Journal of Botany 99 (2), 320-329, 2012
Resolving the psyllid tree of life: phylogenomic analyses of the superfamily Psylloidea (Hemiptera)
DM Percy, A Crampton‐Platt, S Sveinsson, AR Lemmon, EM Lemmon, ...
Systematic Entomology 43 (4), 762-776, 2018
Phylogenetic pinpointing of a paleopolyploidy event within the flax genus (Linum) using transcriptomics
S Sveinsson, J McDill, GKS Wong, J Li, X Li, MK Deyholos, QCB Cronk
Annals of Botany 113 (5), 753-761, 2014
Evolutionary origin of highly repetitive plastid genomes within the clover genus (Trifolium)
S Sveinsson, Q Cronk
BMC Evolutionary biology 14, 1-9, 2014
Complex origin of Trinitario-type Theobroma cacao (Malvaceae) from Trinidad and Tobago revealed using plastid genomics
JY Yang, M Scascitelli, LA Motilal, S Sveinsson, JMM Engels, NC Kane, ...
Tree genetics & genomes 9, 829-840, 2013
Adaptive Introgression Facilitates Adaptation to High Latitudes in European Aspen (Populus tremula L.)
M Rendón-Anaya, J Wilson, S Sveinsson, A Fedorkov, J Cottrell, ...
Molecular Biology and Evolution 38 (11), 5034-5050, 2021
Transposon fingerprinting using low coverage whole genome shotgun sequencing in Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) and related species
S Sveinsson, N Gill, NC Kane, Q Cronk
BMC genomics 14, 1-12, 2013
Evolutionary diversification of satellite DNA sequences from Leymus (Poaceae: Triticeae)
K Anamthawat-Jónsson, T Wenke, ÆT Thórsson, S Sveinsson, ...
Genome 52 (4), 381-390, 2009
The genetic composition of feeding aggregations of the Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) in the central north Atlantic: a microsatellite loci approach
D Gíslason, SJ Helyar, GJ Oskarsson, G Ólafsdóttir, A Slotte, T Jansen, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 77 (2), 604-612, 2020
Recent warming across the North Atlantic region may be contributing to an expansion in barley cultivation
P Martin, S Dalmannsdottir, JI í Gerdinum, H Halland, J Hermannsson, ...
Climatic Change 145, 351-365, 2017
Conserved gene clusters in the scrambled plastomes of IRLC legumes (Fabaceae: Trifolieae and Fabeae)
S Sveinsson, Q Cronk
BioRxiv, 040188, 2016
Conserved gene clusters in the scrambled plastomes of IRLC legumes (Fabaceae: Trifolieae and Fabeae). bioRxiv 040188
S Sveinsson, Q Cronk
Lack of population genetic structure of lumpfish along the Norwegian coast: A reappraisal based on EST-STRs analyses
ÓDB Jónsdóttir, D Gíslason, G Ólafsdóttir, S Maduna, SB Hagen, ...
Aquaculture 555, 738230, 2022
Northern cereals–New opportunities
Ó Reykdal, S Sveinsson, S Dalmannsdóttir, P Martin, JI í Gerðinum, ...
Matís report, 05-16, 2016
Mollusc on the move; First record of the Newfoundland's razor clam, Ensis terranovensis Vierna & Martínez-Lage, 2012 (Mollusca; Pharidae) outside its native range.
K Gunnarsson, S Sveinsson, D Gíslason, HJ Malmquist, J Micael, ...
BioInvasions Record 12 (3), 2023
Population structure discovered in juveniles of Greenland halibut (Reinhardtius hippoglossoides Walbaum, 1792)
D Gíslason, D Estévez-Barcia, S Sveinsson, A Hansen, D Roy, M Treble, ...
ICES Journal of Marine Science 80 (4), 889-896, 2023
Transnational cooperation to develop local barley to beer value chains
H Halland, P Martin, S Dalmannsdóttir, S Sveinsson, R Djurhuus, ...
Open Agriculture 5 (1), 138-149, 2020
Discriminating populations of Atlantic herring mixing in the Norwegian Sea feeding ground using single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)
C Pampoulie, A Slotte, GJ Óskarsson, G Ólafsdóttir, JA Jacobsen, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 739, 227-240, 2024
Detection and distribution of the North Atlantic capelin (Mallotus villosus) using environmental DNA—comparison with data from the main fishery management survey
C Pampoulie, W Singh, K Guðnason, B Bárðarson, G Ólafsdóttir, ...
Environmental DNA 6 (1), e415, 2024
Chloroplast markers for the Malvaceae and the plastome of Henderson’s checkermallow (Sidalcea hendersonii S.Wats.), a rare plant from the Pacific Northwest
DM Percy, S Sveinsson, A Ponomarev, JY Yang, QCB Cronk
BMC Research Notes 16 (1), 87, 2023
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Articles 1–20