Ivan G. Guardiola
Ivan G. Guardiola
Professor & Chair of Business Administration, Computer Information Systems, and Entrepreneurship
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Cited by
A functional approach to monitor and recognize patterns of daily traffic profiles
IG Guardiola, T Leon, F Mallor
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 65, 119-136, 2014
A functional data analysis approach to traffic volume forecasting
IM Wagner-Muns, IG Guardiola, VA Samaranayke, WI Kayani
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 19 (3), 878-888, 2017
A decision support simulation model for bed management in healthcare
EA Cudney, RA Baru, I Guardiola, T Materla, W Cahill, R Phillips, B Mutter, ...
International Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 32 (2), 499-515, 2019
Systematic review of operations research and simulation methods for bed management
RA Baru, EA Cudney, IG Guardiola, DL Warner, RE Phillips
IIE Annual Conference. Proceedings, 298, 2015
Analysis of electric vehicle charging behavior patterns with function principal component analysis approach
C Chen, Y Song, X Hu, IG Guardiola
Journal of Advanced Transportation 2020 (1), 8850654, 2020
Enhancing undergraduate engineering education of lean methods using simulation learning modules within a virtual environment
EA Cudney, S Corns, JA Farris, S Gent, SE Grasman, IG Guardiola
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE), 2011
RSSI and LQI data clustering techniques to determine the number of nodes in wireless sensor networks
Y Wang, IG Guardiola, X Wu
International Journal of distributed sensor networks 10 (5), 380526, 2014
Achieving moment closure through cumulant neglect
TI Matis, IG Guardiola
The Mathematica Journal 12, 12-2, 2010
Using university-funded research projects to teach system design processes and tools
IG Guardiola, C Dagli, S Corns
IEEE Transactions on Education 56 (4), 377-384, 2013
A nonparametric method for detecting unintended electromagnetic emissions
IG Guardiola, F Mallor
IEEE transactions on electromagnetic compatibility 55 (1), 58-65, 2012
Predicting the dynamic response of a structure using an artificial neural network
D Birky, J Ladd, I Guardiola, A Young
Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control 41 (1), 182-195, 2022
Multi-path wireless mesh networks
M Zawodniok, IG Guardiola, D Bateman, A Phillips, AM Maran, ND Price
US Patent 10,182,385, 2019
SE Capstone: Integrating Systems Engineering Fundamentals to Engineering Capstone Projects: Experiential and Active
S Corns, CH Dagli, IG Guardiola
2011 ASEE Annual Conference & Exposition, 22.1279. 1-22.1279. 11, 2011
System for detection of malicious wireless device patterns
SP Acharya, R Arora, IG Guardiola
Procedia Computer Science 8, 345-350, 2012
Fast-fading, an additional mistaken axiom of wireless-network research
IG Guardiola, TI Matis
International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation 2 (3-4), 153-158, 2007
Transceivers as a resource: Scheduling time and bandwidth in software-defined radio
ND Price, MJ Zawodniok, IG Guardiola
IEEE Access 8, 132603-132613, 2020
Determining optimum number of geotechnical testing samples using Monte Carlo simulations
K Magner, N Maerz, I Guardiola, A Aqeel
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 10, 1-19, 2017
Classification of rest and active periods in actigraphy data using PCA
IW Muns, Y Lad, IG Guardiola, M Thimgan
Procedia computer science 114, 275-280, 2017
Detection of RF devices based on their unintended electromagnetic emissions using Principal Components Analysis
SP Acharya, IG Guardiola
2013 Wireless Telecommunications Symposium (WTS), 1-5, 2013
A study of speed aware routing for mobile ad hoc networks
K Akunuri, R Arora, IG Guardiola
Advancements and Innovations in Wireless Communications and Network …, 2013
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Articles 1–20