Yongxiang Wang
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Cited by
From diffuse damage to sharp cohesive cracks: A coupled XFEM framework for failure analysis of quasi-brittle materials
Y Wang, H Waisman
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 299, 57-89, 2016
Progressive delamination analysis of composite materials using XFEM and a discrete damage zone model
Y Wang, H Waisman
Computational Mechanics 55 (1), 1-26, 2015
XFEM based seismic potential failure mode analysis of concrete gravity dam–water–foundation systems through incremental dynamic analysis
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, C Zhou, M Chen, P Yan
Engineering Structures 98, 81-94, 2015
Deterministic 3D seismic damage analysis of Guandi concrete gravity dam: A case study
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, M Yu, C Wang
Engineering Structures 148, 263–276, 2017
On the determination of the mesh size for numerical simulations of shock wave propagation in near field underwater explosion
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, W Zhou, M Chen, P Yan
Applied Ocean Research 59, 1-9, 2016
Damage demand assessment of mainshock-damaged concrete gravity dams subjected to aftershocks
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, P Yan, W Zhou, M Chen
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 98, 141-154, 2017
A general definition of integrated strong motion duration and its effect on seismic demands of concrete gravity dams
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, P Yan, W Zhou, M Chen
Engineering Structures 125, 481-493, 2016
Material-dependent crack-tip enrichment functions in XFEM for modeling interfacial cracks in bimaterials
Y Wang, H Waisman
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017
Strength and ductility performance of concrete-filled steel tubular columns after long-term service loading
H Liu, Y Wang, M He, Y Shi, H Waisman
Engineering Structures 100, 308-325, 2015
XFEM with high-order material-dependent enrichment functions for stress intensity factors calculation of interface cracks using Irwin's crack closure integral
Y Wang, C Cerigato, H Waisman, E Benvenuti
Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2017
Integrated duration effects on seismic performance of concrete gravity dams using linear and nonlinear evaluation methods
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, W Zhou, C Zhou
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 79, 223-236, 2015
Earthquake Direction Effects on Seismic Performance of Concrete Gravity Dams to Mainshock–Aftershock Sequences
G Wang, Y Wang, W Lu, P Yan, M Chen
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 24 (7), 1134-1155, 2020
Direct evaluation of stress intensity factors for curved cracks using Irwin's integral and XFEM with high-order enrichment functions
Y Wang, H Waisman, I Harari
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2017
An arc-length method for controlled cohesive crack propagation using high-order XFEM and Irwin's crack closure integral
Y Wang, H Waisman
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 199, 235-256, 2018
An adaptive phase-field model with variable-node elements for fracture of hyperelastic materials at large deformations
C Xing, T Yu, Y Sun, Y Wang
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 281, 109115, 2023
Probabilistic Model Updating for Sizing of Hole-Edge Crack Using Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors and the High-Order Extended Finite Element Method
J He, J Yang, Y Wang, H Waisman, W Zhang
Sensors 16 (11), 1956, 2016
Fracture analysis of cracked thin-walled structures using a high-order XFEM and Irwin’s integral
C Xing, Y Wang, H Waisman
Computers & Structures 212, 1-19, 2019
Direct extraction of stress intensity factors for geometrically elaborate cracks using a high-order Numerical Manifold Method
J Wu, Y Wang, Y Cai, G Ma
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 230, 106963, 2020
A Probabilistic Damage Identification Method for Shear Structure Components Based on Cross-Entropy Optimizations
X Guan, Y Wang, J He
Entropy 19 (1), 27, 2017
Fracture of rocks in the mountains of Southeast Tibet under hydrothermal conditions at different elevations
Y Wu, Y Wang, H Waisman, S He, X Li
Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment 79 (8), 4291-4308, 2020
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Articles 1–20