Ricardo Ceia
Ricardo Ceia
CIBIO Research Center in Biodiversity and Genetic Resources
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Effects of alien plants on insect abundance and biomass: a food‐web approach
RH Heleno, RS Ceia, JA Ramos, J Memmott
Conservation biology 23 (2), 410-419, 2009
Quantifying and addressing the prevalence and bias of study designs in the environmental and social sciences
AP Christie, D Abecasis, M Adjeroud, JC Alonso, T Amano, A Anton, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 6377, 2020
Factors affecting cork oak (Quercus suber) regeneration: acorn sowing success and seedling survival under field conditions
ML Arosa, RS Ceia, SR Costa, H Freitas
Plant Ecology & Diversity 8 (4), 519-528, 2015
Testing a novel spatially-explicit dynamic modelling approach in the scope of the laurel forest management for the endangered Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina) conservation
R Bastos, M Santos, JA Ramos, J Vicente, C Guerra, J Alonso, J Honrado, ...
Biological Conservation 147 (1), 243-254, 2012
Spatial foraging segregation by close neighbours in a wide-ranging seabird
FR Ceia, VH Paiva, RS Ceia, S Hervías, S Garthe, JC Marques, ...
Oecologia 177, 431-440, 2015
Birds as predators of cork and holm oak pests
RS Ceia, JA Ramos
Agroforestry systems 90, 159-176, 2016
Throwing the baby out with the bathwater: does laurel forest restoration remove a critical winter food supply for the critically endangered Azores bullfinch?
RS Ceia, HL Sampaio, SH Parejo, RH Heleno, ML Arosa, JA Ramos, ...
Biological Invasions 13, 93-104, 2011
Species temporal persistence promotes the stability of fruit–frugivore interactions across a 5‐year multilayer network
JM Costa, JA Ramos, S Timóteo, LP da Silva, RS Ceia, RH Heleno
Journal of Ecology 108 (5), 1888-1898, 2020
Summer abundance and ecological distribution of passerines in native and exotic forests in São Miguel, Azores
R Ceia, R Heleno, J Ramos
Ardeola 1 (56), 25-39, 2009
Status assessment of the Critically Endangered Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina
RS Ceia, JA Ramos, RH Heleno, GM Hilton, TA Marques
Bird Conservation International 21 (4), 477-489, 2011
High survival rate of a critically endangered species, the Azores Bullfinch Pyrrhula murina, as a contribution to population recovery
D Monticelli, R Ceia, R Heleno, H Laborda, S Timóteo, D Jareño, ...
Journal of Ornithology 151, 627-636, 2010
Spore maturation and release of two evergreen Macaronesian ferns, Culcita macrocarpa and Woodwardia radicans, along an altitudinal gradient
ML Arosa, LG Quintanilla, JA Ramos, R Ceia, H Sampaio
American Fern Journal 99 (4), 260-272, 2009
Nestling food of three hole-nesting passerine species and experimental increase in their densities in Mediterranean oak woodlands
RS Ceia, RA Machado, JA Ramos
European Journal of Forest Research 135, 839-847, 2016
Fern feeding ecology of the Azores bullfinch (Pyrrhula murina): the selection of fern species and the influence of nutritional composition in fern choice
ML Arosa, JA Ramos, T Valkenburg, R Ceia, H Laborda, LG Quintanilla, ...
Ardeola 56 (1), 71-84, 2009
The Priolo Atlas: A citizen science-based census initiative for supporting Pyrrhula murina habitat conservation and restoration policies in São Miguel Island (Azores, Portugal)
A Gil, R Ceia, R Coelho, J Teodósio, H Sampaio, C Veríssimo, R Heleno, ...
Ecological Engineering 86, 45-52, 2016
The tree fern Dicksonia antarctica invades two habitats of European conservation priority in São Miguel Island, Azores
ML Arosa, RS Ceia, LG Quintanilla, JA Ramos
Biological invasions 14, 1317-1323, 2012
Tiptoeing between restoration and invasion: seed rain into natural gaps within a highly invaded relic forest in the Azores
SH Parejo, RS Ceia, JA Ramos, HL Sampaio, RH Heleno
European journal of forest research 133, 383-390, 2014
Local and landscape effects on the occurrence and abundance of the Eucalyptus weevil Gonipterus platensis (Coleoptera: Curculionidae)
RS Ceia, N Faria, PB Lopes, J Alves, AA da Silva, C Valente, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 500, 119618, 2021
Foraging ecology of introduced rodents in the threatened Macaronesian laurel forest of São Miguel island (Azores) and contiguous exotic forests
RS Ceia, S Sanches, JA Ramos
Mammal study 42 (3), 141-151, 2017
Effects of dominant tree species on insectivorous birds breeding in Mediterranean oak woodlands
RS Ceia, JA Ramos
Bird Study 63 (1), 115-127, 2016
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