Diane S. Henshel
Diane S. Henshel
O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs, Indiana University
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Cited by
Clinical and experimental applications of NIR-LED photobiomodulation
KD Desmet, DA Paz, JJ Corry, JT Eells, MTT Wong-Riley, MM Henry, ...
Photomedicine and Laser Therapy 24 (2), 121-128, 2006
The Pine River statement: human health consequences of DDT use
B Eskenazi, J Chevrier, LG Rosas, HA Anderson, MS Bornman, ...
Environmental health perspectives 117 (9), 1359-1367, 2009
Oxidative mechanisms of biological activity of low-intensity radiofrequency radiation
I Yakymenko, O Tsybulin, E Sidorik, D Henshel, O Kyrylenko, S Kyrylenko
Electromagnetic biology and medicine 35 (2), 186-202, 2016
An investigation of the relationship between air emissions of volatile organic compounds and the incidence of cancer in Indiana counties
ML Boeglin, D Wessels, D Henshel
Environmental Research 100 (2), 242-254, 2006
Fish consumption, fish lore, and mercury pollution—risk communication for the Madeira River people
AAP Boischio, D Henshel
Environmental Research 84 (2), 108-126, 2000
Risk assessment of mercury exposure through fish consumption by the riverside people in the Madeira Basin, Amazon, 1991.
AA Boischio, DS Henshel
Neurotoxicology 17 (1), 169-175, 1996
Trust as a human factor in holistic cyber security risk assessment
D Henshel, MG Cains, B Hoffman, T Kelley
Procedia Manufacturing 3, 1117-1124, 2015
Defining cyber security and cyber security risk within a multidisciplinary context using expert elicitation
MG Cains, L Flora, D Taber, Z King, DS Henshel
Risk Analysis 42 (8), 1643-1669, 2022
Contaminant concentrations and biomarker response in great blue heron eggs from 10 colonies on the upper Mississippi River, USA
TW Custer, RK Hines, MJ Melancon, DJ Hoffman, JK Wickliffe, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 16 (2), 260-271, 1997
Towards a Human Factors Ontology for Cyber Security.
A Oltramari, DS Henshel, M Cains, B Hoffman
Stids 2015, 26-33, 2015
Characterizing and measuring maliciousness for cybersecurity risk assessment
ZM King, DS Henshel, L Flora, MG Cains, B Hoffman, C Sample
Frontiers in psychology 9, 39, 2018
Morphometric abnormalities in brains of great blue heron hatchlings exposed in the wild to PCDDs.
DS Henshel, JW Martin, R Norstrom, P Whitehead, JD Steeves, ...
Environmental Health Perspectives 103 (suppl 4), 61-66, 1995
Mercury exposure through fish consumption by the Upper Madeira River population, Brazil-1991
AAP Boischio, D Henshel, AC Barbosa
Ecosystem Health 1 (3), 177-192, 1995
Effects of 670-nm phototherapy on development
RL Yeager, JA Franzosa, DS Millsap, JL Angell-Yeager, SS Heise, ...
Photomedicine and Laser Therapy 23 (3), 268-272, 2005
Linear regression models of methyl mercury exposure during prenatal and early postnatal life among riverside people along the upper Madeira river, Amazon
AAP Boischio, DS Henshel
Environmental Research 83 (2), 150-161, 2000
The relative sensitivity of chicken embryos to yolk‐ or air‐cell‐injected 2,3,7,8‐tetrachlorodibenzo‐p‐dioxin
DS Henshel, B Hehn, R Wagey, M Vo, JD Steeves
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry: An International Journal 16 (4), 725-732, 1997
Visualizing building energy demand for building peak energy analysis
I Yarbrough, Q Sun, DC Reeves, K Hackman, R Bennett, DS Henshel
Energy and Buildings 91, 10-15, 2015
Statement from the work session on environmentally induced alterations in development: a focus on wildlife
T Colborn
Environmental Health Perspectives, 3-5, 1995
Effects of low‐level light therapy on hepatic antioxidant defense in acute and chronic diabetic rats
J Lim, ZM Ali, RA Sanders, AC Snyder, JT Eells, DS Henshel, ...
Journal of biochemical and molecular toxicology 23 (1), 1-8, 2009
Brain asymmetry as a potential biomarker for developmental TCDD intoxication: a dose-response study.
DS Henshel, JW Martin, JC DeWitt
Environmental health perspectives 105 (7), 718-725, 1997
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Articles 1–20