Uzi Motro
Uzi Motro
Professor Emeritus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
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Kin selection and strong evolutionary stability of mutual help
I Eshel, U Motro
Dinoflagellate-cyanobacterium communication may determine the composition of phytoplankton assemblage in a mesotrophic lake
A Vardi, D Schatz, K Beeri, U Motro, A Sukenik, A Levine, A Kaplan
Current biology 12 (20), 1767-1772, 2002
Avoiding inbreeding and sibling competition: the evolution of sexual dimorphism for dispersal
U Motro
The American Naturalist 137 (1), 108-115, 1991
Dynamics of Bemisia tabaci (Gennadius)(Homoptera: Aleyrodidae) attacking cotton in the coastal plain of Israel
D Gerling, U Motro, R Horowitz
Bulletin of Entomological Research 70 (2), 213-219, 1980
On heterozygosity and the effective size of populations subject to size changes
U Motro, G Thomson
Evolution, 1059-1066, 1982
Optimal rates of dispersal I. Haploid populations
U Motro
Theoretical Population Biology 21 (3), 394-411, 1982
Do female chacma baboons compete for a safe spatial position in a southern woodland habitat?
T Ron, SP Henzi, U Motro
Behaviour 133 (5-6), 475-490, 1996
Optimal rates of dispersal. III. Parent-offspring conflict
U Motro
Theoretical Population Biology 23 (2), 159-168, 1983
Continuous stability and evolutionary convergence
I Eshel, U Motro, E Sansone
Journal of theoretical biology 185 (3), 333-343, 1997
Individual-learning ability predicts social-foraging strategy in house sparrows
E Katsnelson, U Motro, MW Feldman, A Lotem
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 278 (1705), 582-589, 2011
Early experience affects producer–scrounger foraging tendencies in the house sparrow
E Katsnelson, U Motro, MW Feldman, A Lotem
Animal Behaviour 75 (4), 1465-1472, 2008
Co-operation and defection: playing the field and the ESS
U Motro
Journal of Theoretical Biology 151 (2), 145-154, 1991
Overnight memory retention of foraging skills by bumblebees is imperfect
T Keasar, UZI Motro, Y Shur, AVI Shmida
Animal Behaviour 52 (1), 95-104, 1996
Optimal rates of dispersal II. Diploid populations
U Motro
Theoretical Population Biology 21 (3), 412-429, 1982
Behavioural responses of red foxes to an increase in the presence of golden jackals: a field experiment
S Scheinin, Y Yom-Tov, U Motro, E Geffen
Animal behaviour 71 (3), 577-584, 2006
The Barn Owl-a selective opportunist predator
M Tores, Y Motro, U Motro, Y Yom-Tov
Israel Journal of Ecology and Evolution 51 (4), 349-360, 2005
The affected sib method. I. Statistical features of the affected sib-pair method
U Motro, G Thomson
Genetics 110 (3), 525-538, 1985
Possible Foraging Benefits of Bimodal Daily Activity in Proxylocopa olivieri (Lepeletier) (Hymenoptera: Anthophoridae)
D Gottlieb, T Keasar, A Shmida, U Motro
Environmental Entomology 34 (2), 417-424, 2005
Innate movement rules in foraging bees: flight distances are affected by recent rewards and are correlated with choice of flower type
T Keasar, A Shmida, U Motro
Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 39, 381-388, 1996
Response to topography in a hilltopping butterfly and implications for modelling nonrandom dispersal
G Pe'er, D Saltz, HH Thulke, U Motro
Animal Behaviour 68 (4), 825-839, 2004
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