Apollonian Networks: Simultaneously Scale-Free, Small World, Euclidean, Space Filling,<? format?> and with Matching Graphs JS Andrade Jr, HJ Herrmann, RFS Andrade, LR Da Silva Physical review letters 94 (1), 018702, 2005 | 548 | 2005 |
The network of concepts in written texts SMG Caldeira, TC Petit Lobão, RFS Andrade, A Neme, JGV Miranda The European Physical Journal B-Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 49, 523-529, 2006 | 128 | 2006 |
Life expectancy and mortality in 363 cities of Latin America U Bilal, P Hessel, C Perez-Ferrer, YL Michael, T Alfaro, J Tenorio-Mucha, ... Nature medicine 27 (3), 463-470, 2021 | 116 | 2021 |
Mathematical modeling of COVID-19 in 14.8 million individuals in Bahia, Brazil JF Oliveira, DCP Jorge, RV Veiga, MS Rodrigues, MF Torquato, ... Nature communications 12 (1), 333, 2021 | 113 | 2021 |
Geometria fractal: propriedades e características de fractais ideais TA Assis, JG Vivas Miranda, FB Mota, RFS Andrade, CMC Castilho Revista Brasileira de ensino de física 30, 2304.1-2304.10, 2008 | 98 | 2008 |
A mathematical model for the effect of anti-angiogenic therapy in the treatment of cancer tumours by chemotherapy STR Pinho, FS Bacelar, RFS Andrade, HI Freedman Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 14 (1), 815-828, 2013 | 96 | 2013 |
Magnetic models on Apollonian networks RFS Andrade, HJ Herrmann Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 71 (5 …, 2005 | 88 | 2005 |
Using detrended cross-correlation analysis in geophysical data EBS Marinho, A Sousa, RFS Andrade Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (9), 2195-2201, 2013 | 72 | 2013 |
Periodic forcing in a three-level cellular automata model for a vector-transmitted disease LBL Santos, MC Costa, STR Pinho, RFS Andrade, FR Barreto, ... Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 80 (1 …, 2009 | 68 | 2009 |
Assessing the nationwide impact of COVID-19 mitigation policies on the transmission rate of SARS-CoV-2 in Brazil DCP Jorge, MS Rodrigues, MS Silva, LL Cardim, NB da Silva, IH Silveira, ... Epidemics 35, 100465, 2021 | 63 | 2021 |
Analysis of rainfall records: possible relation to self-organized criticality RFS Andrade, HJ Schellnhuber, M Claussen Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 254 (3-4), 557-568, 1998 | 63 | 1998 |
Holopatogênese: esboço de uma teoria geral de saúde-doença como base para a promoção da saúde N de Almeida Filho, RFS Andrade Promoção da saúde: conceitos, reflexões, tendências, 101, 2009 | 62 | 2009 |
DCCA analysis of renewable and conventional energy prices ASS Paiva, MA Rivera-Castro, RFS Andrade Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 490, 1408-1414, 2018 | 57 | 2018 |
Modularity map of the network of human cell differentiation V Galvao, JGV Miranda, RFS Andrade, JS Andrade Jr, LK Gallos, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107 (13), 5750-5755, 2010 | 53 | 2010 |
Carnot cycle for interacting particles in the absence of thermal noise EMF Curado, AMC Souza, FD Nobre, RFS Andrade Physical Review E 89 (2), 022117, 2014 | 52 | 2014 |
What are the best concentric descriptors for complex networks? L da Fontoura Costa, RFS Andrade New Journal of Physics 9 (9), 311, 2007 | 48 | 2007 |
Ising model on the Apollonian network with node-dependent interactions RFS Andrade, JS Andrade Jr, HJ Herrmann Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 79 (3 …, 2009 | 44 | 2009 |
Remarks on the behavior of the Ising chain in the generalized statistics RFS Andrade Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 203 (3-4), 486-494, 1994 | 44 | 1994 |
Modeling of the kinetic oscillations in the CO oxidation on Pt (100) RFS Andrade, G Dewel, P Borckmans The Journal of chemical physics 91 (4), 2675-2682, 1989 | 42 | 1989 |
Neighborhood properties of complex networks RFS Andrade, JGV Miranda, TP Lobao Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 73 (4 …, 2006 | 41 | 2006 |