Jennifer Y. King
Jennifer Y. King
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Global-scale similarities in nitrogen release patterns during long-term decomposition
W Parton, WL Silver, IC Burke, L Grassens, ME Harmon, WS Currie, ...
science 315 (5810), 361-364, 2007
Methane and nitrogen oxide fluxes in tropical agricultural soils: sources, sinks and mechanisms
A Mosier, R Wassmann, L Verchot, J King, C Palm
Tropical Agriculture in Transition—Opportunities for Mitigating Greenhouse …, 2004
The role of photodegradation in surface litter decomposition across a grassland ecosystem precipitation gradient
LA Brandt, JY King, SE Hobbie, DG Milchunas, RL Sinsabaugh
Ecosystems 13, 765-781, 2010
Shedding light on plant litter decomposition: advances, implications and new directions in understanding the role of photodegradation
JY King, LA Brandt, EC Adair
Biogeochemistry 111, 57-81, 2012
Methane emission and transport by arctic sedges in Alaska: Results of a vegetation removal experiment
JY King, WS Reeburgh, SK Regli
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D22), 29083-29092, 1998
Effects of ultraviolet radiation on litter decomposition depend on precipitation and litter chemistry in a shortgrass steppe ecosystem
LA Brandt, JY King, DG Milchunas
Global Change Biology 13 (10), 2193-2205, 2007
Photochemically induced carbon dioxide production as a mechanism for carbon loss from plant litter in arid ecosystems
LA Brandt, C Bohnet, JY King
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 114 (G2), 2009
Response of soil microbial biomass and enzyme activities to the transient elevation of carbon dioxide in a semi-arid grassland
E Kandeler, AR Mosier, JA Morgan, DG Milchunas, JY King, S Rudolph, ...
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38 (8), 2448-2460, 2006
Energy and trace-gas fluxes across a soil pH boundary in the Arctic
DA Walker, NA Auerbach, JG Bockheim, FS Chapin III, W Eugster, ...
Nature 394 (6692), 469-472, 1998
Phylogenetic and functional characteristics of household yard floras and their changes along an urbanization gradient
S Knapp, L Dinsmore, C Fissore, SE Hobbie, I Jakobsdottir, J Kattge, ...
Ecology 93 (sp8), S83-S98, 2012
Soil-atmosphere exchange of CH4, CO2, NOx, and N2O in the Colorado shortgrass steppe under elevated CO2
AR Mosier, JA Morgan, JY King, D LeCain, DG Milchunas
Plant and Soil 240, 201-211, 2002
A pulse-labeling experiment to determine the contribution of recent plant photosynthates to net methane emission in arctic wet sedge tundra
JY King, WS Reeburgh
Soil Biology and Biochemistry 34 (2), 173-180, 2002
Carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus fluxes in household ecosystems in the Minneapolis‐Saint Paul, Minnesota, urban region
C Fissore, LA Baker, SE Hobbie, JY King, JP McFadden, KC Nelson, ...
Ecological Applications 21 (3), 619-639, 2011
Elevated atmospheric CO2 effects and soil water feedbacks on soil respiration components in a Colorado grassland
E Pendall, S Del Grosso, JY King, DR LeCain, DG Milchunas, JA Morgan, ...
Global biogeochemical cycles 17 (2), 2003
Elevated CO2 and defoliation effects on a shortgrass steppe: forage quality versus quantity for ruminants
DG Milchunas, AR Mosier, JA Morgan, DR LeCain, JY King, JA Nelson
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 111 (1-4), 166-184, 2005
A CH4 emission estimate for the Kuparuk River basin, Alaska
WS Reeburgh, JY King, SK Regli, GW Kling, NA Auerbach, DA Walker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D22), 29005-29013, 1998
Pulse‐labeling studies of carbon cycling in Arctic tundra ecosystems: The contribution of photosynthates to methane emission
JY King, WS Reeburgh, KK Thieler, GW Kling, WM Loya, LC Johnson, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 16 (4), 10-1-10-8, 2002
Landscape-level terrestrial methane flux observed from a very tall tower
AR Desai, K Xu, H Tian, P Weishampel, J Thom, D Baumann, ...
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 201, 61-75, 2015
Carbon pools and productivity in a 1-km2 heterogeneous forest and peatland mosaic in Minnesota, USA
P Weishampel, R Kolka, JY King
Forest Ecology and Management 257 (2), 747-754, 2009
Long‐term enhancement of N availability and plant growth under elevated CO2 in a semi‐arid grassland
FA Dijkstra, E Pendall, AR Mosier, JY King, DG Milchunas, JA Morgan
Functional Ecology 22 (6), 975-982, 2008
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