Alessandro Abate
Cited by
Cited by
Probabilistic reachability and safety for controlled discrete time stochastic hybrid systems
A Abate, M Prandini, J Lygeros, S Sastry
Automatica 44 (11), 2724-2734, 2008
Approximate model checking of stochastic hybrid systems
A Abate, JP Katoen, J Lygeros, M Prandini
European Journal of Control 16 (6), 624-641, 2010
On efficient sensor scheduling for linear dynamical systems
MP Vitus, W Zhang, A Abate, J Hu, CJ Tomlin
Automatica 48 (10), 2482-2493, 2012
Symbolic control of stochastic systems via approximately bisimilar finite abstractions
M Zamani, PM Esfahani, R Majumdar, A Abate, J Lygeros
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (12), 3135-3150, 2014
Formal synthesis of Lyapunov neural networks
A Abate, D Ahmed, M Giacobbe, A Peruffo
IEEE Control Systems Letters 5 (3), 773-778, 2020
Reinforcement learning for temporal logic control synthesis with probabilistic satisfaction guarantees
M Hasanbeig, Y Kantaros, A Abate, D Kroening, GJ Pappas, I Lee
2019 IEEE 58th conference on decision and control (CDC), 5338-5343, 2019
Exponential stabilization of discrete-time switched linear systems
W Zhang, A Abate, J Hu, MP Vitus
Automatica 45 (11), 2526-2536, 2009
Adaptive and sequential gridding procedures for the abstraction and verification of stochastic processes
S Esmaeil Zadeh Soudjani, A Abate
SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 12 (2), 921-956, 2013
FAUST: F ormal A bstractions of U ncountable-ST ate ST ochastic Processes
SEZ Soudjani, C Gevaerts, A Abate
International conference on tools and algorithms for the construction and …, 2015
Box invariance in biologically-inspired dynamical systems
A Abate, A Tiwari, S Sastry
Automatica 45 (7), 1601-1610, 2009
Logically-constrained reinforcement learning
M Hasanbeig, A Abate, D Kroening
arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.08099, 2018
On the value functions of the discrete-time switched LQR problem
W Zhang, J Hu, A Abate
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 54 (11), 2669-2674, 2009
Aggregation and control of populations of thermostatically controlled loads by formal abstractions
SEZ Soudjani, A Abate
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 23 (3), 975-990, 2014
Automated verification and synthesis of stochastic hybrid systems: A survey
A Lavaei, S Soudjani, A Abate, M Zamani
Automatica 146, 110617, 2022
Cautious reinforcement learning with logical constraints
M Hasanbeig, A Abate, D Kroening
arXiv preprint arXiv:2002.12156, 2020
Modeling options for demand side participation of thermostatically controlled loads
M Kamgarpour, C Ellen, SEZ Soudjani, S Gerwinn, JL Mathieu, N Müllner, ...
2013 IREP Symposium Bulk Power System Dynamics and Control-IX Optimization …, 2013
Symbolic models for stochastic switched systems: A discretization and a discretization-free approach
M Zamani, A Abate, A Girard
Automatica 55, 183-196, 2015
On the optimal solutions of the infinite-horizon linear sensor scheduling problem
L Zhao, W Zhang, J Hu, A Abate, CJ Tomlin
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 59 (10), 2825-2830, 2014
Sufficient conditions for the existence of Zeno behavior
AD Ames, A Abate, S Sastry
Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 696-701, 2005
Computational approaches to reachability analysis of stochastic hybrid systems
A Abate, S Amin, M Prandini, J Lygeros, S Sastry
International Workshop on Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, 4-17, 2007
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Articles 1–20