Mohammad Motamed
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Cited by
A stochastic collocation method for the second order wave equation with a discontinuous random speed
M Motamed, F Nobile, R Tempone
Numerische Mathematik 123 (3), 493-536, 2013
Taylor expansion and discretization errors in Gaussian beam superposition
M Motamed, O Runborg
Wave motion 47 (7), 421-439, 2010
A multi-fidelity neural network surrogate sampling method for uncertainty quantification
M Motamed
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 10 (4), 2020
Fast Bayesian optimal experimental design for seismic source inversion
Q Long, M Motamed, R Tempone
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 291, 123-145, 2015
On the linear stability of the fifth-order WENO discretization
M Motamed, CB Macdonald, SJ Ruuth
Journal of Scientific Computing 47 (2), 127-149, 2011
Analysis and computation of the elastic wave equation with random coefficients
M Motamed, F Nobile, R Tempone
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 70 (10), 2454-2473, 2015
A fast phase space method for computing creeping rays
M Motamed, O Runborg
Journal of Computational Physics 219 (1), 276-295, 2006
Finite difference schemes for second order systems describing black holes
M Motamed, M Babiuc, B Szilágyi, HO Kreiss, J Winicour
Physical Review D—Particles, Fields, Gravitation, and Cosmology 73 (12), 124008, 2006
A stochastic multiscale method for the elastodynamic wave equation arising from fiber composites
I Babuška, M Motamed, R Tempone
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 276, 190-211, 2014
Wasserstein metric-driven Bayesian inversion with applications to signal processing
M Motamed, D Appelo
International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 9 (4), 2019
A multiorder discontinuous Galerkin Monte Carlo method for hyperbolic problems with stochastic parameters
M Motamed, D Appelö
SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 56 (1), 448-468, 2018
A fuzzy-stochastic multiscale model for fiber composites: A one-dimensional study
I Babuška, M Motamed
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 302, 109-130, 2016
A wavefront-based Gaussian beam method for computing high frequency wave propagation problems
M Motamed, O Runborg
Computers & Mathematics with Applications 69 (9), 949-963, 2015
A multiple-patch phase space method for computing trajectories on manifolds with applications to wave propagation problems
M Motamed, O Runborg
A sparse stochastic collocation technique for high-frequency wave propagation with uncertainty
G Malenova, M Motamed, O Runborg, R Tempone
SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 4 (1), 1084-1110, 2016
Wasserstein metric-driven Bayesian inversion with application to wave propagation problems
M Motamed, D Appelo
arXiv preprint arXiv:1807.09682, 2018
Hyperbolic initial boundary value problems which are not boundary stable
M Motamed, HO Kreiss
A wave front Gaussian beam method for high-frequency wave propagation
M Motamed, O Runborg
Proceedings of WAVES, 2007
Pml methods for aero acoustics computations
M Motamed
TRITA-NAE03108, 2003
Residual multi-fidelity neural network computing
O Davis, M Motamed, R Tempone
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.03572, 2023
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Articles 1–20