Karl Schultz
Cited by
Cited by
Factorie: Probabilistic programming via imperatively defined factor graphs
A McCallum, K Schultz, S Singh
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 22, 2009
Responding to student uncertainty in spoken tutorial dialogue systems
H Pon-Barry, K Schultz, EO Bratt, B Clark, S Peters
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education 16 (2), 171-194, 2006
A unified approach for schema matching, coreference and canonicalization
ML Wick, K Rohanimanesh, K Schultz, A McCallum
Proceedings of the 14th ACM SIGKDD international conference on Knowledge …, 2008
Advantages of spoken language interaction in dialogue-based intelligent tutoring systems
H Pon-Barry, B Clark, K Schultz, EO Bratt, S Peters
Intelligent Tutoring Systems: 7th International Conference, ITS 2004, Maceió …, 2004
Cholesterol-lowering benefits of a whole grain oat ready-to-eat cereal
L Johnston, HR Reynolds, M Patz, DB Hunninghake, K Schultz, ...
Nutr Clin Care 1 (1), 6-12, 1998
Approximations of practice in teacher education
KM Schutz, P Grossman, M Shaughnessy
Teaching core practices in teacher education, 57-83, 2018
Bi-directional joint inference for entity resolution and segmentation using imperatively-defined factor graphs
S Singh, K Schultz, A McCallum
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference …, 2009
The innovation gap in pharmaceutical drug discovery & new models for R&D success
M Hu, K Schultz, J Sheu, D Tschopp
Kellogg School of Management, 2007
A scalable, reusable spoken conversational tutor: Scot
K Schultz, EO Bratt, B Clark, S Peters, H Pon-Barry, P Treeratpituk
Proceedings of the AIED 2003 Workshop on Tutorial Dialogue Systems: With a …, 2003
Evaluating the effectiveness of SCoT: A spoken conversational tutor
H Pon-Barry, B Clark, EO Bratt, K Schultz, S Peters
ITS 2004 Workshop on Dialog-based Intelligent Tutoring Systems, 23-32, 2004
Efficient open domination in graphs
H Gavlas, K Schultz, P Slater
Sci. Ser. A Math. Sci 6, 77-84, 2003
Knowledge primitives for tutoring systems.
B Woolf, T Murray, DD Suthers, K Schultz
Modeling expert effects and common ground using Questions Under Discussion
A Djalali, D Clausen, S Lauer, K Schultz, C Potts
2011 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, 2011
Intelligent systems for training damage control assistants
S Peters, EO Bratt, B Clark, H Pon-Barry, K Schultz
Proc. of ITSE, 2004
A general purpose architecture for intelligent tutoring systems
B Clark, O Lemon, A Gruenstein, EO Bratt, J Fry, S Peters, H Pon-Barry, ...
Advances in Natural Multimodal Dialogue Systems, 287-305, 2005
Contextualizing reflective dialogue in a spoken conversational tutor
H Pon-Barry, B Clark, K Schultz, EO Bratt, S Peters, D Haley
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 8 (4), 42-51, 2005
Core practices and the teacher education curriculum: Stories of practice
A Cartun, K Shutz, M Kelley-Petersen, M Franke
Teaching core practices in teacher education, 107-133, 2018
FACTORIE: Efficient probabilistic programming via imperative declarations of structure, inference and learning
A McCallum, K Rohanimanesh, M Wick, K Schultz, S Singh
NIPS workshop on Probabilistic Programming, 2008
Empirical foundations for intelligent coaching systems
EO Bratt, K Schultz, S Peters, T Chen, H Pon-Barry
Proceedings of the interservice/industry Training, Simulation and Education …, 2005
Contextualizing learning in a reflective conversational tutor
H Pon-Barry, B Clark, K Schultz, EO Bratt, S Peters
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, 2004 …, 2004
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Articles 1–20