Material culture, landscapes of action, and emergent causation: a new model for the origins of the European Neolithic J Robb Current anthropology 54 (6), 657-683, 2013 | 158 | 2013 |
Was there really a Neolithic in Norway? C Prescott Antiquity 70 (267), 77-87, 1996 | 128 | 1996 |
Virtual repatriation: It is neither virtual nor repatriation PF Biehl, C Prescott, R Boast, J Enote Heritage in the Context of Globalization: Europe and the Americas, 103-113, 2013 | 110 | 2013 |
The last frontier C Prescott, E Walderhaug Processes of Indo-Europeanization in Northern Europe. The Norwegian Case …, 1995 | 83 | 1995 |
Arkeologiske undersøkelser i Nyset-Steggjevassdragene, 1981-87 T Bjørgo, S Kristoffersen, C Prescott, RW Lie Historisk museum, Universitetet i Bergen, 1992 | 83 | 1992 |
From Stone age to Iron Age: a study from Sogn, western Norway C Prescott BAR Publishing, 1995 | 77 | 1995 |
Kulturhistoriske unders· okelser i Skrivarhelleren: Med et bidrag Makrofossiler fra Skrivarhelleren C Prescott, EC Soltvedt Historisk Museum, Univ., 1991 | 64 | 1991 |
Identity and heritage: Contemporary challenges in a globalized world PF Biehl, DC Comer, C Prescott, HA Soderland Springer, 2015 | 50 | 2015 |
History in prehistory–the later Neolithic/Early Metal Age, Norway C Prescott Neolithisation as if history mattered. Processes of Neolithisation in North …, 2009 | 47 | 2009 |
Aspects of early pastoralism in Sogn, Norway C Prescott Acta archaeologica 66, 163-190, 1995 | 37 | 1995 |
Copper production in bronze age Norway C Prescott Historien i forhistorien. Festskrift til Einar Østmo på 60, 183-190, 2006 | 34 | 2006 |
Late Neolithic and Bronze Age developments on the periphery of southern Scandinavia C Prescott Norwegian Archaeological Review 24 (1), 35-48, 1991 | 34 | 1991 |
Demand Deposits, Trading Restrictions, and Risk Sharing. In Contractual Arrangements for Intertemporal Trade CJ Jacklin, EC Prescott, N Wallace eds. EC Prescott and N. Wallace, 1987 | 33 | 1987 |
Heritage in the Context of Globalization: Europe and the Americas PF Biehl, C Prescott Springer New York, 2013 | 32 | 2013 |
Symbolic metallurgy–assessing early metallurgic processes in a periphery C Prescott, D Olausson, H Vandkilde Form, Functions & Context: Material Culture Studies in Scandinavian …, 2000 | 32 | 2000 |
Settlement and economy in the late neolithic and bronze age of southern Norway: some points and premises C Prescott AmS-Varia 43, 127-136, 2005 | 30 | 2005 |
Third millennium transformations in Norway: modeling an interpretative platform C Prescott Becoming European. The transformation of third millennium Northern and …, 2012 | 29 | 2012 |
Paradigm gained‐paradigm lost? 150 years of Norwegian Bronze age research C Prescott Norwegian Archaeological Review 27 (2), 87-109, 1994 | 26 | 1994 |
Late neolithic houses at Stokkset, Sande in Sunnmøre T Johnson, C Prescott, B Solberg Arkeologiske Skrifter 7 fra Historisk Museum. Universitetet i Bergen, 1993 | 24 | 1993 |
Chronological, typological and contextual aspects of the late lithic period: a study based on sites excavated in the Nyset and Steggje mountain valleys, Ardal sogn, Norway C Prescott University of Bergen, 1986 | 24 | 1986 |