Jacqueline Loos
Jacqueline Loos
Leuphana University, Faculty of Sustainability Science
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Global trait–environment relationships of plant communities
H Bruelheide, J Dengler, O Purschke, J Lenoir, B Jiménez-Alfaro, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 2 (12), 1906-1917, 2018
Putting meaning back into “sustainable intensification”
J Loos, DJ Abson, MJ Chappell, J Hanspach, F Mikulcak, M Tichit, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 12 (6), 356-361, 2014
Ecological-economic trade-offs of diversified farming systems–a review
J Rosa-Schleich, J Loos, O Mußhoff, T Tscharntke
Ecological economics 160, 251-263, 2019
Making the UN decade on ecosystem restoration a social-ecological endeavour
J Fischer, M Riechers, J Loos, B Martin-Lopez, VM Temperton
Trends in ecology & evolution 36 (1), 20-28, 2021
Harnessing the biodiversity value of Central and Eastern European farmland
LME Sutcliffe, P Batáry, U Kormann, A Báldi, LV Dicks, I Herzon, D Kleijn, ...
Diversity and Distributions 21 (6), 722-730, 2015
Land‐sharing/‐sparing connectivity landscapes for ecosystem services and biodiversity conservation
I Grass, J Loos, S Baensch, P Batáry, F Librán‐Embid, A Ficiciyan, ...
People and Nature 1 (2), 262-272, 2019
A holistic approach to studying social-ecological systems and its application to southern Transylvania
J Hanspach, T Hartel, AI Milcu, F Mikulcak, I Dorresteijn, J Loos, ...
Ecology and Society 19 (4), 2014
Refocusing ecosystem services towards sustainability
M Schröter, KH Stumpf, J Loos, APE Van Oudenhoven, ...
Ecosystem Services 25, 35-43, 2017
Farmers' perceptions of climate change and adaptation strategies in South Africa's Western Cape
K Talanow, EN Topp, J Loos, B Martín-López
Journal of Rural Studies 81, 203-219, 2021
More than yield: Ecosystem services of traditional versus modern crop varieties revisited
A Ficiciyan, J Loos, S Sievers-Glotzbach, T Tscharntke
Sustainability 10 (8), 2834, 2018
The challenge of abandonment for the sustainable management of Palaearctic natural and semi-natural grasslands
O Valkó, S Venn, M Żmihorski, I Biurrun, R Labadessa, J Loos
Hacquetia 17 (1), 5-16, 2018
Low-intensity agricultural landscapes in Transylvania support high butterfly diversity: implications for conservation
J Loos, I Dorresteijn, J Hanspach, P Fust, L Rakosy, J Fischer
PloS one 9 (7), e103256, 2014
Transferring biodiversity-ecosystem function research to the management of ‘real-world’ecosystems
P Manning, J Loos, AD Barnes, P Batáry, FJJA Bianchi, N Buchmann, ...
Advances in ecological research 61, 323-356, 2019
Ecology and conservation of steppes and semi-natural grasslands
O Valkó, M Zmihorski, I Biurrun, J Loos, R Labadessa, S Venn
Hacquetia 15 (2), 5-14, 2016
An outcome-oriented, social–ecological framework for assessing protected area effectiveness
A Ghoddousi, J Loos, T Kuemmerle
Bioscience 72 (2), 201-212, 2022
Socioecological drivers facilitating biodiversity conservation in traditional farming landscapes
I Dorresteijn, J Loos, J Hanspach, J Fischer
Ecosystem Health and Sustainability 1 (9), 1-9, 2015
Plant diversity in a changing agricultural landscape mosaic in Southern Transylvania (Romania)
J Loos, PD Turtureanu, H von Wehrden, J Hanspach, I Dorresteijn, ...
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 199, 350-357, 2015
Challenges for biodiversity monitoring using citizen science in transitioning social–ecological systems
J Loos, AI Horcea-Milcu, P Kirkland, T Hartel, M Osváth-Ferencz, J Fischer
Journal for Nature conservation 26, 45-48, 2015
The European butterfly indicator for grassland species: 1990-2013
C Van Swaay, A Van Strien, K Aghababyan, S Astrom, M Botham, ...
De Vlinderstichting, 2015
Human-nature connectedness as leverage point
M Riechers, Á Balázsi, M García-Llorente, J Loos
Ecosystems and People 17 (1), 215-221, 2021
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